Open marxvimAdmin opened 2 years ago
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url: 'jdbc:postgresql://'
username: hglbuziuwssywj
password: 22193b204229948763b194783396e346ff93a28a149949fc99ca4044f837c4c5
driverClassName: org.postgresql.Driver
max-active: 15
Penrose Care collects and de-identifies critical KYC information upon registration and during interaction with it's services. This information is used to keep track and store data in our S3 buckets before it is processed using deep learning models generated by Marxvim’s Oracle Architecture and Services (OAS). These insights can be useful when setting up triggers for various possible actions that Keras -- Penrose Care’s Tier 1 bot -- can perform on behalf of the member.
We need to create Dummy user models as training data for Keras in marxvim's database
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