Penrose Care Application Programming Interface is an implementation of the FHIR specification in java. It allows the exchange of data in a modern and developer friendly way
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The easiest way to run this server entirely depends on your environment requirements. At least, the following 4 ways are supported:
mvn jetty:run
If you need to run this server on a different port (using Maven), you can change the port in the run command as follows:
mvn -Djetty.port=8888 jetty:run
Server will then be accessible at http://localhost:8888/ and eg. http://localhost:8888/fhir/metadata. Remember to adjust you overlay configuration in the application.yaml to eg.
id: home
name: Local Tester
server_address: 'http://localhost:8888/fhir'
refuse_to_fetch_third_party_urls: false
fhir_version: R4
mvn clean spring-boot:run -Pboot
Server will then be accessible at http://localhost:8080/ and eg. http://localhost:8080/fhir/metadata. Remember to adjust you overlay configuration in the application.yaml to eg.
id: home
name: Local Tester
server_address: 'http://localhost:8080/fhir'
refuse_to_fetch_third_party_urls: false
fhir_version: R4
mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage -Pboot && java -jar target/ROOT.war
Server will then be accessible at http://localhost:8080/ and eg. http://localhost:8080/fhir/metadata. Remember to adjust you overlay configuration in the application.yaml to eg.
id: home
name: Local Tester
server_address: 'http://localhost:8080/fhir'
refuse_to_fetch_third_party_urls: false
fhir_version: R4
mvn clean package -Dimage=distroless-hapi && docker run -p 8080:8080 distroless-hapi
Server will then be accessible at http://localhost:8080/ and eg. http://localhost:8080/fhir/metadata. Remember to adjust you overlay configuration in the application.yaml to eg.
id: home
name: Local Tester
server_address: 'http://localhost:8080/fhir'
refuse_to_fetch_third_party_urls: false
fhir_version: R4
This project is used by the following companies: