Penrose Care Application Programming Interface is an implementation of the FHIR specification in java. It allows the exchange of data in a modern and developer friendly way :)
Hapi Penrose Care API has a slug size of 722.2M which is larger than the maximum required size by Heroku, 500M.
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] Clone this branch locally and checkout the develop/ITR-9-hpc-heroku branch
[ ] Remove unnecessary files and dependencies. Reduce the application slug size to a value less than 500M (Use sudo du -h |sort -n -r co to see size of repo contents in directory)
[ ] deploy branch to either Heroku , Amazon EKS, AWS EC2, or a GKE pipeline
Hapi Penrose Care API
has a slug size of 722.2M which is larger than the maximum required size by Heroku, 500M.Acceptance Criteria:
branchsudo du -h |sort -n -r co
to see size of repo contents in directory)