Note Taker is an App that can be used to write and save notes. This application uses an Express.js back end and saves and retrieves note data from a JSON file.
WHEN I click on the Save button
THEN the new note I have entered is saved and appears in the left-hand column with the other existing notes and the buttons in the navigation disappear
WHEN I click on the Save button
THEN the new note I have entered is saved. But a new note does not appears in the left-hand column with the other existing notes and the buttons visibility in the navigation disappear does not work
issue# 4:
Expected: WHEN I click on the Save button THEN the new note I have entered is saved and appears in the left-hand column with the other existing notes and the buttons in the navigation disappear
now: WHEN I click on the Save button THEN the new note I have entered is saved. But a new note does not appears in the left-hand column with the other existing notes and the buttons visibility in the navigation disappear does not work