MassiPi / DaikinS21

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A project to control Daikin split through S21 socket.

Daikin Model

I'm controlling three old FTXSxxG splits

Used hardware (under 10$):

You can also get (lastly, i did) these cables to ease connection:

Used software

this is a platformio project.


On my units the S21 port is:
1 - Seems unused
2 - TX (5V)
3 - RX (5V)
4 - VCC (14.5V)
5 - GND
Luckily, RX port accepts 3.3V levels so i did not need a level shifter.
I used D6 and D7 as serial port pins for the ESP8266.

Phisical setup

Well, this also fits inside the units, seems good!


i did not want to use already available code since this is not fun enough, so i just wrote my code.

Home assistant integration

As said, the integration is done through MQTT, so i also added an example of code for integration and with templates. You'll probably need to redefine lists and for sure mqtt topics.


Remotedebug library has some flows, please remember to:


i did not even know about the S21 socket, so i NEED to thank:
As you'll see, i also took pieces of code, but i wasn't fully happy about it's structure, so i rewrote it as a states-machine to reduce blocking in code.


i am NOT a programmer :) but i understand a lot of parts could be better written, and that some things could be done with higher security and bla bla bla.
I would not (and i don't) expose the controller on internet, this should clarify what i mean :)

Why publishing

someone asked, so why not?


Since i'm not a programmer and i'm totally lost in git, please don't hesitate reporting any ANY issue in my code or anything wrong you see :)