MassonNN / masson-aiogram-template

This is a scalable and functional template for any bots which will be made with aiogram 3.x
MIT License
111 stars 17 forks source link
aiogram aiogram3 bot open-source telegram template

template telegram

Setup bot

  1. Clone this repository

  2. Change the name of .env.dist to .env and set all environment variables as you need

  3. Change password for redis in build/redis.conf (requirepass and masterauth). Set same password in .env (REDIS_PASSWORD).

  4. Change project name and other information in pyproject.toml

  5. make project-start to start project with docker-compose or make help if you want to know more about make commands


If you want to lint your code: \ make lint \ This will start isort, blue and ruff to src and tests folders

You can manually run any instrument by: \ make ruff, make blue or make isort


make generate NAME=<name> \ Generate alembic revision for migration with given name

make migrate \ Apply migrations to the target database
