JBEAM - Java based Batch scheduling, processing and monitoring framework.
At a high level, JBEAM can be leveraged to
JBEAM uses [Apache Maven] (http://maven.apache.org/) as its build tool. This section describes some of the basics to developers and contributors new to Apache Maven to know to get productive quickly.
To build JBEAM core components:
git clone git://github.com/MastekLtd/JBEAM.git
First build the [supporting libraries] (https://github.com/MastekLtd/JBEAM/blob/master/supporting_libraries/) required for JBEAM by following the [instructions] (https://github.com/MastekLtd/JBEAM/blob/master/supporting_libraries/build_supporting_libraries.md).
After building supporting libraries use following commands to build JBEAM core components
cd jbeam\jbeam-core-components
mvn clean compile install
To build JBEAM UI components, refer to [Developer guide] (https://github.com/MastekLtd/JBEAM/blob/master/documentation/developer%20guide/JBEAM%20Developer%20Guide.docx)
To integrate your application with JBEAM refer to JBEAM Integration.
Refer to the [Developer guide] (https://github.com/MastekLtd/JBEAM/blob/master/documentation/developer%20guide/JBEAM%20Developer%20Guide.docx) for detail help on
[Download JBEAM] (https://sourceforge.net/projects/jbeam/files/)