MasterTemple / bible.nvim

Integrate the Bible into the Neovim text editor
MIT License
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Automatically Install Luarocks Packages #1

Open MasterTemple opened 1 year ago

MasterTemple commented 1 year ago

The extension should automatically install lsqlite3 and dkjson.

DevelopmentIntensified commented 7 months ago


FreeKev commented 2 months ago

The extension should automatically install lsqlite3 and dkjson.

Ah yes. Should alternatively or additionally update the README to account for what needs to be installed.

E5108: Error executing lua ...i/lazy/telescope.nvim/lua/telescope/_extensions/in it.lua:10: 'bible' extension doesn't exist or isn't installed: /telescope/_extensions/bible/reference.lua:1: module 'lsqlite3' not found: no field package.preload['lsqlite3']

On another note - this looks great! Thank you for your work @MasterTemple

MasterTemple commented 1 month ago

@FreeKev Thanks to Claude, I learned that the necessary packages can be automatically installed with Lazy.nvim by adding this plugin:

    dependencies = {
            build = "pip3 install --user hererocks && python3 -mhererocks . -j2.1.0-beta3 -r3.0.0 && cp nvim_rocks.lua lua",
            config = function()
                local nvim_rocks = require("nvim_rocks")

I will update the README.

MasterTemple commented 1 month ago

It seems to give me this error:

Unable to load the luarocks package loader. Try re-running the build stage (`:Lazy build luarocks.nvim`). Full trace: attempt
 to concatenate field 'LUA_BINDIR' (a nil value)
Press ENTER or type command to continue

but it does at least work when I dismiss the error message.

I need to figure out if I should resolve the error or if I should just hide it.