MasterTemple / bible.nvim

Integrate the Bible into the Neovim text editor
MIT License
9 stars 1 forks source link
bible neovim neovim-plugin nvim nvim-plugin

Bible.nvim - Neovim Plugin

Purpose - Access Bible from within Neovim

Brief demonstration here




Install Plugin to Manage Libraries

This ensures that lsqlite3 and dkjson are both installed, which are required to use bible.nvim

    dependencies = {
            build = "pip3 install --user hererocks && python3 -mhererocks . -j2.1.0-beta3 -r3.0.0 && cp nvim_rocks.lua lua",
            config = function()
                local nvim_rocks = require("nvim_rocks")

Install bible.nvim Plugin

    keys = {
        {"<leader>es", '<cmd>lua require("telescope"){isReferenceOnly = false, isMultiSelect = false})<CR>', desc = "Search by verse content" },
        {"<leader>er", '<cmd>lua require("telescope"){isReferenceOnly = true, isMultiSelect = false})<CR>', desc = "Search by verse reference" },
        {"<leader>ems", '<cmd>lua require("telescope"){isReferenceOnly = false, isMultiSelect = true})<CR>', desc = "Search by verse content (multi-select)" },
        {"<leader>emr", '<cmd>lua require("telescope"){isReferenceOnly = true, isMultiSelect = true})<CR>', desc = "Search by verse reference (multi-select)" },



Note: I initally chose e as the first key because it is in ESV.

These can be remapped in the config above.

s is to search through the content

r is to get by reference

Prefix the operation with m to make it multi-select (choose a start and end verse)

Alt+? set an option but does not run anything

Ctrl+? runs on the current selection

Open Telescope Menu

<leader>es: Search by verse content

<leader>er: Search by verse reference

<leader>ems: Search by verse content (multi-select)

<leader>emr: Search by verse reference (multi-select)

<leader>et: Select Bible translation (not implemented yet) [global]

In Telescope Menu

Hit Enter to insert the content and the reference

Hit Ctrl+W to insert the whole chapter

Hit Alt+R to toggle inserting reference [global: default = true]

Hit Alt+C to toggle inserting content [global: default = true]

Hit Alt+I to toggle adding indent [global: default = true]

Hit Alt+S to toggle showing settings in preview [global: default = true]

Hit Alt+M to toggle multi-select [current selection]

Hit Alt+T to edit Bible translation (not implemented yet) [current selection]
