Matamata-Animator / Matamata

Automatically create lip-synced animations
72 stars 13 forks source link

Matamata Animator

Matamata (an acronym for "Matamata attempts to animate mouths, at times accurately") is a tool to automatically create lip-synced animations.

Windows Tutorial:


Table of Contents




docker pull lowerquality/gentle
winget install ffmpeg


# Add Docker's official GPG key:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg

# Add the repository to Apt sources:
echo \
  "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
  $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \
  sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
docker pull lowerquality/gentle
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffmpeg


Character Folder

See /defaults/SampleCharacter for an example of how to create your character folder.

You can automatically generate your character.json file using

  "schema": 5,
  "poses": {
    "defaultMouthScale": 2.0,
    "defaultPose": "purple",
    "purple": {
      "image": "purple.png",
      "x": 640,
      "y": 400,
      "facingLeft": false,
      "mouthScale": 1.0
    "green": {
      "image": "green.png",
      "x": 640,
      "y": 400,
      "facingLeft": false,
      "mouthScale": 1.0
    "blue": {
      "image": "blue.png",
      "x": 640,
      "y": 400,
      "facingLeft": false,
      "mouthScale": 1.0
  "eyes": {
    "scale": 0.8,
    "x": 640,
    "y": 300,
    "images": {
      "angry": "angry.png",
      "normal": "normal.png",
      "sad": "sad.png"

poses contains the images that the character can do

poses.default_mouth_scale says how much the mouth should be scaled up or down. poses.POSE.mouth_scale is the same thing for a specific pose. These values are multiplied

x and y are the coordinates on the photo where the mouth should be placed.

facingLeft indicates whether to mirror the mouth image.

eyes specifies a "placeable part". The sample character pose images don't have eyes, as these are specified by placeable parts. Although this example has placeable eyes, you can have placeable pins, objects in the background, or even hats. scale specifies how much the placeable part image should be scaled up or down. x and y specify the location on the pose where the part should be placed. images contained key-value pairs where the key is the name of the part, and the value is the image name. This section shows angry, normal, and sad eye selections.

All pose images are in CharacterFolder/poses

All placeable part images are in CharacterFolder/PART_NAME


The timestamps file is composed of a list of pose changes along with how many milliseconds into the animation the pose should change. For instance, if you wanted to swap to the happy pose after 3.5 seconds, the timestamps file will look like:

3500 happy

Additionally, you can change a placeable part by adding the type afterwards.

0 angry eyes

You can also remove a placeable part by using the name None

5000 None eyes



Flag Description Default
-a The path to the audio file being animated (REQUIRED)
-k OpenAI API Key (REQUIRED IF api_url IS NOT SET)
-c Path to the character folder By default, the sample character is used
-o Path of the output file
-t Path to the timestamps file "defaults/characters.json"
-v How verbose to be (0 to 3). 1
-transcriber Which transcriber to use. Vosk doesn't require any setup, however it is the slowest.  (Whisper/LocalAI/Vosk) Whisper
-whisper_url URL for the transcription API. By default, this points to OpenAI's Whisper. You can also set it to point to a LocalAI instance.
-vosk_url Url if using Vosk transcriber
-aligner_url URL for Gentle Aligner server. http://localhost:8765/transcriptions?async=false
-phonemes Custom phonemes JSON path By default, the sample phonemes is used

Custom Defaults

After running the program once, a defaultArguments.json file is created in your cache directory (the path to this file is printed at the start of the program running). I recommend storing your API key there.


./matamata -a audio.wav [optional arguments]


Do you use this project and want to see a new feature added? Open an issue with the tag feature request and say what you want.

Want to try your hand at writing code? Create a fork, upload your code, and make a pull request. Anything from fixing formatting/typos to entirely new features is welcome!

Don't know what to work on? Take a look at the issues page to see what improvements people want. Anything marked good first issue should be great for newcomers!