Matchstic / Xen-HTML

Unified and simplified HTML rendering
GNU General Public License v2.0
109 stars 16 forks source link


Unified and simplified HTML rendering

Xen HTML provides users the ability to display any HTML-based widget on the Lockscreen and Homescreen of their iOS devices.


Xen HTML is in a weird sort-of-modular setup. Since 2019, all additions are designed as modules, and most existing code is split where it made sense at the time. The following modules exist:


This project requires iOSOpenDev. Dependant third-party libraries and private headers are included within this repository for portability reasons.

You will also need node.js and yarn installed to build the widget info library, and the Setup UI.


The master branch is a snapshot of development on each public release.

All development efforts occur in the develop branch until they are stable enough for a release.

The v1.x.y branch is a legacy branch for Xen HTML 1.x.y, in the event a hotfix is required there.

Notes for development

Support for different iOS versions is split into multiple dylibs, as listed in Architecture above.

The Loader component manages loading the correct dylib at runtime for the current iOS version. At the time of writing, there are two dylibs generated: XenHTML_9to12.dylib and XenHTML_13.dylib. It is intended that a new one will be created when either the following are satisfied:

This is to help reduce the chance of regressions breaking previous iOS version support, and also to ease development overhead.

The core of Xen HTML's rendering is handled as a shared (but static) library, linked into each dylib. Any changes here should always be tested on as many versions of iOS as reasonably possible.

The Loader component also loads most helper components at runtime, such as WidgetInfo and BatteryManager. This is to workaround load ordering issues when calling dlopen inside a constructor on iOS 14.

Furthermore, its probably a good idea to mention that parts of the codebase are messy when it comes to handling backwards compatibility. This is mainly restricted to handling settings for widgets; dealing with four different approaches lead to some nasty spaghetti code. Additionally, the code for placing widgets directly on the Homescreen is duplicated from its counterpart in Preferences.

Build instructions

As noted above, make sure you have Xcode + iOSOpenDev setup before trying to build.

You can individually build each component of the project, and can individually deploy them to the Simulator. To do this, make sure to:

  1. Ensure simject is installed and running as part of iOSOpenDev
  2. Set the SIMJECT flag to YES in the relevant component's settings (in their associated .xcodeproj file)
  3. Toggle the codebase to use the internal theos generator, which is just uncommenting the relevant line at the top of the .xm file for the component
  4. Switch the target at the top left of Xcode to the component you want to build
  5. Make sure a Simulator instance is running for the device + iOS version you want to test against
  6. Hit ⌘ + B to build and deploy; the Simulator instance will automatically respring for you

You will probably notice a lot of warnings emitted during the build phase. The majority of this is linker complaints about dependant third-party libraries being linked, and for code-signing which appear safe to ignore.


As mentioned, Xen HTML can be run in the iOS simulator. To load widgets in this mode, manually copy them to /opt/simject, treating that directory as /. As an example, widgets can be installed to /opt/simject/var/mobile/Library/Widgets/Universal.

Translations don't work in this mode, nor does the setup UI experience.

Future plans

As part of a modernisation project, the following are ideas to be built at some point:

Want to help out?

This project needs to be moved over to theos for those without iOSOpenDev, and there's a few enhancements waiting in the Issues tab.


Please create a pull request to this repository if you make any improvements to the tweak; releasing as an update on a seperate repository will cause too much fragmentation!


Licensed under the GPLv2. Note: any widget ran using Xen HTML is not treated as derivative work.

Third Party Libraries

AYVibrantButton is utilised in the Preference bundle.