MaterialDesignInXAML / MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit

Google's Material Design in XAML & WPF, for C# & VB.Net.
MIT License
14.82k stars 3.4k forks source link
c-sharp design dragablz hacktoberfest hacktoberfest2020 material material-design theme wpf xaml

Material Design In XAML Toolkit Logo of Material Design in XAML

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Comprehensive and easy to use Material Design theme and control library for the Windows desktop (WPF).

See screenshots

Table of contents - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [Building the source](#building-the-source) - [Screenshots](#screenshots) - [More examples](#more-examples) - [FAQ](#faq) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Mentions](#mentions) - [Backers](#backers) - [Sponsors](#sponsors)

Getting started

[!NOTE] See the full starting guide for more in-depth information.

This quick guide assumes you have already created a WPF project and are using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.

                <materialDesign:BundledTheme BaseTheme="Light" PrimaryColor="DeepPurple" SecondaryColor="Lime" />

                <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MaterialDesignThemes.Wpf;component/Themes/MaterialDesign2.Defaults.xaml" /> 
<Window [...]
  Style="{StaticResource MaterialDesignWindow}"
  [...] >

Building the source

To build the project, following is required:

This repository also contains 3 different demo applications:


[!WARNING] The screenshots below are taken from the Material Design 2 demo app. It is possible that these are out of date. Run the demo app from latest source to see the latest version.

Show images ![Screenshot of WPF Material Design 2 demo application home page](src/web/images/screen-home.png) ![Buttons](src/web/images/screen-buttons.png) ![Toggles](src/web/images/screen-toggles.png) ![Fields](src/web/images/screen-fields.png) ![ComboBoxes](src/web/images/screen-comboboxes.png) ![Palette](src/web/images/screen-palette.png) ![Color Tools](src/web/images/screen-colortools.png) ![Pickers](src/web/images/screen-pickers.png) ![Icons](src/web/images/screen-iconpack.png) ![Cards](src/web/images/screen-cards.png) ![Menus and Toolbars](src/web/images/screen-menutoolbar.png) ![Progress Bars](src/web/images/screen-progress.png) ![Dialogs](src/web/images/screen-dialogs.png) ![Lists](src/web/images/screen-lists.png) ![Tree View](src/web/images/screen-treeview.png) ![Sliders](src/web/images/screen-sliders.png) ![Chips](src/web/images/screen-chips.png) ![Typography](src/web/images/screen-typography.png) ![Group Box](src/web/images/screen-groupbox.png) ![Snackbars](src/web/images/screen-snackbars.png) ![Elevation](src/web/images/screen-elevation.png)

More examples



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