MathCityMap / O1-MCM-mobile-App

O1 MCM mobile App
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

Update 18.05.2022

Do not use yarn anymore. Consider using Node Version Manager (NVM) for different node versions. This project was built with node v14.17.3.

System requirements

Install Nodejs 14.17 and npm

npm install -g ionic
npm install -g cordova

Install MSBuild tools

npm install --global --production windows-build-tools@4.0.0
yarn config set msvs_version 2015 --global

Set Path Env to msbuildtools

Project run instructions

Run npm install to install project dependencies:

npm install

Build project:

ionic cordova build android

When your build fails remove platform files an readd them

ionic cordova platform rm android
ionic cordova platform add android@12

To run project on android emulator run the following commands:

This command makes sure gradle is executable

chmod +x /Applications/Android\
ionic cordova emulate android -lc

If you get error

[ERROR] An error occurred while running cordova emulate android (exit code 1).

open android emulator from withing studio.

To run project on ios emulator run the following command:

ionic cordova emulate ios --target="iPhone-7-Plus, 10.3" -lc

"iPhone-7-Plus" can be substituted by any available phone emulators, but I would strongly recommend do not use version later than 10.3 of iOS as it has bugs with maps displaying on emulators (app-dev got reports on beta release and it still plagues final releases as well)

First time run will take some time as it'll download/install platform dependent native libraries. Following runs will be much quicker. As well this command line will run live-reload mode which will output everything that happens to terminal and any changes to the code will be refreshed to emulators (not without limitations)

Note: Project doesn't run on browser as it utilizes SQLite DB