We have quite a few pages in the MathHub front-end that come from the archives. An example is the MathHub archive descriptions, i.e. the text part in https://mathhub.info/smglom/mv.
Most people do not know that where this text comes from. So it would be good to have an "edit link" that gets you to the respective page on gl.kwarc.info (for the example above: https://gl.mathhub.info/smglom/mv/blob/master/META-INF/desc.html) Then we can have casual improvements.
We have quite a few pages in the MathHub front-end that come from the archives. An example is the MathHub archive descriptions, i.e. the text part in https://mathhub.info/smglom/mv. Most people do not know that where this text comes from. So it would be good to have an "edit link" that gets you to the respective page on gl.kwarc.info (for the example above: https://gl.mathhub.info/smglom/mv/blob/master/META-INF/desc.html) Then we can have casual improvements.
A similar situation obtains for the help pages, e.g. https://mathhub.info/help/contentareas.html, which comes from https://gl.mathhub.info/meta/inf/blob/master/doc/help/contentareas.html In both cases, the content URIs are known, the "edit link" could be a feature of the page template (there is a special one for the library descriptions) and (I think) a special one for "pages from the repos" as well (or there should be).