MathHubInfo / Legacy-MathHub-Drupal

Legacy Drupal implementation of the MathHub system.
GNU General Public License v2.0
4 stars 1 forks source link Build Status Stories in Ready

This project is the Drupal implementation of the MathHub system available at It is based on the planetary system.

This README contains the developer-level documentation (installation, configuration, contributing). For the user-level documentation see the MathHub help system.


Other than the usual Drupal/Planetary dependencies a MathHub installation requires:


Standard Directory Structure

MathHub and its dependencies can be installed anywhere on the filesystem. However, this documentation assumes a standard layout which is documented below. If your layout is different, adjust the setup accordingly

Apache Configuration

lmh configuration

MathHub Configuration


Administering MathHub (after installation and configuration) mostly involves keeping this up to date and getting an overview of its state. Currently MathHub Admins have access to the following functionalities (via links in the Navigation menu) :

UTF8 Setup

MySQL's default encoding is a partial UTF-8 that uses only 3 bytes max instead of 4 which means it's not adequate for some math characters. To solve that one needs to:


Using drush drush pm-update is typically safest and easiest. Currently need to take care of scripts/, misc/typeahead.bundle.min.js and .gitignore being removed/overridden.