MathieuDeprez / ESP32_CoreDump_Arduino_1.0.6

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ESP32 CoreDump to Flash with Arduino framework 1.0.6!

1) Create an Arduino project with PlatformIO

Your "platformio.ini" file should have at least these lines:

platform = espressif32
framework = arduino
board_build.partitions = partitions.csv

(like in the repo)

2) Add the partition file

Copy the "partitions.csv" file to the root of your project. (like in the repo)

3) Build your project

Either with the "PlatformIO Build" button or the "pio run" command.

4) Update your package folder

1- Go to "/home/yourName/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32" folder.
2- In the root of the repo, you can find the "" file, unzip the content of the "/out" folder in the "framework-arduinoespressif32" folder.

5) Clean the build and build again

1) Either with the "PlatformIO Clean" button or the "pio run -t clean" command. 2) Either with the "PlatformIO Build" button or the "pio run" command.

6) Example application

You can find in /src/main.cpp, an example application. This code should crash after 10s and print the CoreDump in the setup() function. Run it and wait for the crash. At the next boot, you will see in the serial console the bytes of the coreDump:


Copy it and paste the base64 conversion to a file called "coreDump.b64" in the root of your project.
An example of a website which can convert bytes to base64:

7) Install esp-idf, xtensa and libncurses5

1- Install esp-idf

As described in the website, install esp-idf:

cd ~/esp

git clone -b release/v3.3 --recursive

cd esp-idf

. ./

. ./

git submodule update --init --recursive

2- Install xtensa

Download package (link to the website here:

Unzip it :

3-Add path to your profile

nano ~/.profile

Add these lines to the bottom of the file and save it :

export PATH="\$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:\$PATH"

export IDF_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf

export PATH="\$IDF_PATH/tools:\$PATH"

export PATH="\$IDF_PATH/components/espcoredump:\$PATH"

Reload the profile with the following command :

source ~/.profile

Install python requirements:

python -m pip install --user -r $IDF_PATH/requirements.txt


On Linux, you must install libncurses5 with the following command:

sudo apt-get install libncurses5

8) Decode your coreDump

1- Open a terminal in your project folder.
2- To be sure that the path is loaded, you can reload it manually with:

source ~/.profile

3- Decode the coreDump with this command: info_corefile -c ./coreDump.b64 -t b64 -rom-elf ./.pio/build/esp32dev/firmware.elf

9) Understanding the output

Here is an example output:

Click to expand! > v0.3-dev =============================================================== ==================== ESP32 CORE DUMP START ==================== ================== CURRENT THREAD REGISTERS =================== pc 0x400d0dd4 0x400d0dd4 lbeg 0x400014fd 1073747197 lend 0x4000150d 1073747213 lcount 0xffffffff 4294967295 sar 0x1e 30 ps 0x60720 395040 threadptr br scompare1 acclo acchi m0 m1 m2 m3 expstate f64r_lo f64r_hi f64s fcr fsr a0 0x400d2258 1074602584 a1 0x3ffb1f90 1073422224 a2 0x0 0 a3 0x3ffc0280 1073480320 a4 0x20 32 a5 0x80000020 -2147483616 a6 0x8 8 a7 0x1 1 a8 0x800d0dcf -2146628145 a9 0x3ffb1f70 1073422192 a10 0xc 12 a11 0x3f400132 1061159218 a12 0x4 4 a13 0x3 3 a14 0x3 3 a15 0x0 0 ==================== CURRENT THREAD STACK ===================== #0 0x400d0dd4 in loop () at src/main.cpp:30 #1 0x400d2258 in loopTask (pvParameters=) at /home/mathieu/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/cores/esp32/main.cpp:23 #2 0x40086f40 in vPortTaskWrapper (pxCode=0x400d2240 , pvParameters=0x0) at /home/mathieu/Bureau/lib_builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/freertos/port.c:143 ======================== THREADS INFO ========================= Id Target Id Frame 7 process 6 0x40081e08 in esp_crosscore_int_send_yield (core_id=0) at /home/mathieu/Bureau/lib_builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/esp32/crosscore_int.c:117 6 process 5 0x40081d91 in esp_crosscore_int_send (core_id=, reason_mask=) at /home/mathieu/Bureau/lib_builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/esp32/crosscore_int.c:109 5 process 4 0x40081da1 in esp_crosscore_int_send (core_id=, reason_mask=) at /home/mathieu/Bureau/lib_builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/esp32/crosscore_int.c:111 4 process 3 0x40081e08 in esp_crosscore_int_send_yield (core_id=0) at /home/mathieu/Bureau/lib_builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/esp32/crosscore_int.c:117 3 process 2 0x400ea1ea in esp_pm_impl_waiti () at /home/mathieu/Bureau/lib_builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/esp32/pm_esp32.c:492 2 process 1 0x400ea1ea in esp_pm_impl_waiti () at /home/mathieu/Bureau/lib_builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/esp32/pm_esp32.c:492 >* 1
0x400d0dd4 in loop () at src/main.cpp:30 >======================= ALL MEMORY REGIONS ======================== Name Address Size Attrs .rtc.text 0x400c0000 0x0 RW .rtc.dummy 0x3ff80000 0x0 RW .rtc.force_fast 0x3ff80000 0x0 RW .rtc_noinit 0x50000200 0x0 RW .rtc.force_slow 0x50000200 0x0 RW .iram0.vectors 0x40080000 0x400 R XA .iram0.text 0x40080400 0xb900 RWXA 0x3ffbdb60 0x26dc RW A .noinit 0x3ffc023c 0x0 RW .flash.rodata 0x3f400020 0xc82c RW A .flash.text 0x400d0018 0x1a46c R XA 0x3ffb8058 0x164 RW 0x3ffb1ed0 0x184 RW 0x3ffbc30c 0x164 RW 0x3ffbc150 0x1a8 RW 0x3ffbc890 0x164 RW 0x3ffbc6d0 0x1ac RW 0x3ffbd318 0x164 RW 0x3ffbd140 0x1c4 RW 0x3ffba3d8 0x164 RW 0x3ffba1e0 0x1e4 RW 0x3ffb9e54 0x164 RW 0x3ffb9c60 0x1e0 RW 0x3ffb796c 0x164 RW 0x3ffb7790 0x1c8 RW ===================== ESP32 CORE DUMP END ===================== =============================================================== Done!

There is a lot of details that you do not necessarily need to understand why the code crashed.
I usually go to the part with:

==================== CURRENT THREAD STACK =====================

And I try to find a function name that I have in my program. In that case, the crash occured in the loop() function at line 30.

0 0x400d0dd4 in loop () at src/main.cpp:30

At line 30 of my program, we can find this line:

27: Serial.println("RESTART ::");
28: int a = 0;
29: int b = 4;
30: Serial.printf("%d\n", b / a);
31: }

And there you go !