MathieuTurcotte / node-wait

WaitForAll and WaitForAny on EventEmitter.
MIT License
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WaitForAll and WaitForAny for Node.js EventEmitter Build Status

WaitForAll and WaitForAny on EventEmitter instances.


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WaitForAny will wait until one of the specified EventEmitter is done. By contrast, WaitForAll will wait until all of the specified EventEmitter are done.

Upon successful completion, they will both emit a done event. On timeout, a timeout event will be emitted.

By default, WaitForAny and WaitForAll listen for the done event. This behavior can be altered by specifying a custom event type.


Object-Oriented style

var WaitForAll = require('ewait').WaitForAll;

var all = new WaitForAll({
    timeout: 2000,      // Wait for 2000ms max.
    event: 'flushed'    // Wait for a custom event.

all.add([toilet1, toilet2, toilet3]);

all.once('done', function() {
    console.log('All done!');

all.once('timeout', function() {


Functional style

var ewait = require('ewait');

var toilets = [toilet1, toilet2, toilet3];

ewait.waitForAll(toilets, function(err) {
    console.log(err ? 'Timeout!' : 'Done!');
}, 2000, 'flushed');


Class WaitForAll

new WaitForAll([options])

Construct a new wait object with an 'AND' semantic.

options is an object with the following defaults:

options = {
    timeout: -1,  // No timeout.
    event: 'done' // Listen for 'done' events.


Add EventEmitter instances to wait on. Shouldn't be called after wait.


Start waiting on EventEmitter instances.

Event: 'done'

Emitted when the waiting criterion has been satisfied before timeout.

Event: 'timeout'

Emitted when timeout expires before waiting criterion is satisfied.

Class WaitForAny

new WaitForAny([options])

Construct a new wait object with an 'OR' semantic.

options is an object with the following defaults:

options = {
    timeout: -1,  // No timeout.
    event: 'done' // Listen for 'done' events.


Add EventEmitter instances to wait on. Shouldn't be called after wait.


Start waiting on EventEmitter instances.

Event: 'done'

Emitted when the waiting criterion has been satisfied before timeout.

Event: 'timeout'

Emitted when timeout expires before waiting criterion is satisfied.

ewait.waitForAll(emitters, callback, [event, timeout])

event defaults to done and timeout defaults to undefined.

The callback takes two arguments, err and results.

Behavior is the same as WaitForAll.

ewait.waitForAny(emitters, callback, [event, timeout])

See ewait.waitForAll for arguments.

Behavior is the same as WaitForAny.


This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.