Matixsss / Minecraft-Zmod

Zmod - New skills system
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link


Zmod - New skills system, is a modification designed for minecraft 1.14. (updated to 1.15.2)\ This modification will enable you to leveling your character in the style of games from the elder scrolls series.

#Basic informations\ -6 classes (mining, combat, digging, woodcutting, farming, building)\ -Fully customizable configs\ -Two custom gui screens\ -Leveling provides bonuses:\ Mining: bonus for mining speed and luck which giving you chance for additional mineral (from ores).\ Combat: luck which give you chance to get item from CombatLotterySettings (file included at config/Zmod folder).\ Digging: luck which give you chance to get item from DiggingLotterySettings (file included at config/Zmod folder).\ Woodcutting: bonus for woodcutting speed and luck which giving you chance for additional log.\ Farming: chance for additional crops.\ Building: no bonuses, just for ranking

For dedicated servers

-Server ranking system (challenge with your friends, three best players also will be rewarded)\ -Ranking shows 5 best players in every class category\ -Three best players will receive an award in the form of multiplier luck bonus (by default: 1.{1.2} 2.{1.1} 3.{1.05})


-zreloadconfigs (reload configs files)

-zresetstats "player" (reset specific player skills)

-zsettings X

*zblockinfo (useful for getting custom block name)

*zentityinfo (-||- entity name)

*notification (option to turn off notification)