Matt-MX / ServerGUI

A customizable server gui for Velocity servers!
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ServerGUI [Velocity]

A GUI for server selection!
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Allow your players to use a GUI to select their server! Customizable and intuitive design, and easy to use!

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Firstly, head over to the release page and download the latest version of the plugin. Drag the downloaded jar file into your plugins folder in your Velocity server.

We also require you to install Protocolize - it's how we are able to provide GUI support!

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Getting Started

Simply alter anything in the config.yml and messages.yml that is generated located in ./plugins/servergui/....

Make sure users have permission node servergui.commands.server to run the /server command.

To reload the config, give yourself the permission servergui.commands.reload.

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Server placeholders

For your config buttons we have some placeholder values available.

%server-name% - Server name as seen in velocity.toml

Players connected to that backend server

%server-connected% %server-online% %server-players%

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Distributed under the MIT License.

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MattMX - MattMX#0033

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