MattBroach / DjangoRestMultipleModels

View (and mixin) for serializing multiple models or querysets in Django Rest Framework
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Multiple Model View

Django Rest Framework provides some incredible tools for serializing data, but sometimes you need to combine many serializers and/or models into a single API call. drf-multiple-model is an app designed to do just that.


Install the package from pip:

pip install django-rest-multiple-models

Make sure to add 'drf_multiple_model' to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Then simply import the view into any in which you'd want to use it:

from drf_multiple_model.views import ObjectMultipleModelAPIView

Note: This package is built on top of Django Rest Framework's generic views and serializers, so it presupposes that Django Rest Framework is installed and added to your project as well.


For full configuration options, filtering tools, and more, see the documentation.

Basic Usage

drf-multiple-model comes with two generic class-based-view for serializing multiple models: the ObjectMultipleModelAPIView and the FlatMultipleModelAPIView. Both views require a querylist attribute, which is a list or tuple of dicts containing (at minimum) a queryset key and a serializer_class key; the main difference between the views is the format of the response data. For example, let's say you have the following models and serializers:

# Models
class Play(models.Model):
    genre = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    pages = models.IntegerField()

class Poem(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    style = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    lines = models.IntegerField()
    stanzas = models.IntegerField()

# Serializers
class PlaySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Play
        fields = ('genre','title','pages')

class PoemSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Poem
        fields = ('title','stanzas')

Then you might use the ObjectMultipleModelAPIView as follows:

from drf_multiple_model.views import ObjectMultipleModelAPIView

class TextAPIView(ObjectMultipleModelAPIView):
    querylist = [
        {'queryset': Play.objects.all(), 'serializer_class': PlaySerializer},
        {'queryset': Poem.objects.filter(style='Sonnet'), 'serializer_class': PoemSerializer},

which would return:

    "Play" : [
        {"genre": "Comedy", "title": "A Midsummer Night"s Dream", "pages": 350},
        {"genre": "Tragedy", "title": "Romeo and Juliet", "pages": 300},
    "Poem" : [
        {"title": "Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day", "stanzas": 1},
        {"title": "As a decrepit father takes delight", "stanzas": 1},

Or you could use the FlatMultipleModelAPIView as follows:

from drf_multiple_model.views import FlatMultipleModelAPIView

class TextAPIView(FlatMultipleModelAPIView):
    querylist = [
        {'queryset': Play.objects.all(), 'serializer_class': PlaySerializer},
        {'queryset': Poem.objects.filter(style='Sonnet'), 'serializer_class': PoemSerializer},

which would return::

    {"genre": "Comedy", "title": "A Midsummer Night's Dream", "pages": 350, "type": "Play"},
    {"genre": "Tragedy", "title": "Romeo and Juliet", "pages": 300, "type": "Play"},
    {"title": "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day", "stanzas": 1, "type": "Poem"},
    {"title": "As a decrepit father takes delight", "stanzas": 1, "type": "Poem"},