MattHeard / Dendrite

Write an interactive adventure story with the rest of the world
MIT License
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Author page with no written pages shows incorrect error #248

Closed MattHeard closed 7 years ago

MattHeard commented 9 years ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a user.
  2. Go to user page.
  3. There will be an error saying "Are you lost? There are no stories on this page. Go to page 1."

This error should only display when someone attempts to view a page past the last page of the list of pages written by that author.

Page 1 is a special case. It should never show this error, but is currently showing it because a page with 0 story pages is technically "past the end" of the list of 0 pages.

BibliographyView.getLastPageNumber needs to be modified to return 1 if lastPgNum is 0.