MattHeard / Dendrite

Write an interactive adventure story with the rest of the world
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link


What is it?

A website where users write interactive adventure stories with each other.

Where can it be found?

The public site can be found at so you can have a play with it there. Keep in mind that further developments may still be made in future.

What is it made with?

The back-end is written with Java and deployed on the Google App Engine and the front-end is written in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Java in the form of JSP (Java Server Pages). The unit tests use the JUnit framework.

What are the licensing terms?


Where can I find documentation on how it works?

Who made this?

The project was started and is currently run by Matt Heard. Matt is a software developer in Wellington, New Zealand and has been working on this project in his spare time. His website can be found at

How do I submit a bug?

If you are able, please submit an issue for your bug on the GitHub issue tracker. If you are unable to submit it there, contact me at matt at mattheard dot net.