Matteo-Salv / Thesis

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Automatic Dynamic Analysis of iOS Apps

Master's degree thesis, Computer Engineering - Software Platforms and Cybersecurity

University of Genoa


If you don't want to sign and/or use the installation option available with this program take a look on Filza tweak (available on Cydia) or Cydia Impactor (only with a Paid developer profile) and then skip the installation step.


  1. Connect the device under test with a USB cable and disable the automatic lock (iOS 14: settings>Screen and Brightness> set Automatic lock on 'never')
  2. Start Appium
  3. Edit the requested configuration parameters in caps.json:

    • version = the iOS version installed
    • udid
    • app = path to the .app you want to test (needed only if you want to install it with this program)
    • appName = the name of the application
    • alertButtonsToAccept = the name of the buttons inside an alert you want to automatically accept, separated by a ','
    • buttonsToIgnore = the name of the buttons you want to ignore, separated by a ','
    • systemCallsFile = the file containing the system calls to track
    • wdaDir = path to appium-webdriveragent (mandatory only if necessary to manually install WDA)
    • timeout = default 600s

    please note that version, udid and appName are mandatory. If you don't want to set the other options, you can leave them blank. Example:

    "device":"iPhone 6s",
    "alertButtonsToAccept": "OK,ok,allow,Allow",
    "buttonsToIgnore": ""
    "systemCallsFile": "syscall.txt",
    "wdaDir": "/Users/user/.appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent",
    "timeout": 180

    inside systemCallsFile insert the name of the corresponding file containing all the syscalls you want to track and loaded inside "SystemCalls" folder. To understand how to format it, take a look on existing syscall.txt and syscall_edited.txt.


    This project has been developed and tested on a Intel Mac with macOS12 (Monterey). It should work with minimum effort on Apple Silicon, but there are no tests so far in this sense.

the strace module has not been entirely developed by me, but partially forked and edited from another project freely available on Github. For more info, take a look on the corresponding LICENSE.

Testing Environment:

eventually fix any mandatory dependency.

Please note that after the first installation it is necessary to sign the WebDriverAgent bundled with Appium through xcodebuild. Check this guide, in particular the chapter 'full manual configuration'. The command to resign is the following:

xcodebuild -project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination 'id=123456789abcdef' -allowProvisioningUpdates test

The WebDriverAgent folder is the following:


After that, to run Appium:

appium -pa /wd/hub --use-plugins execute-driver