Technical aspects
The BackEnd is entirely a ASP.NET Core WebApi which handles HTTP CRUD requests to a MySQL database Authentication, Authorization, Validation and Rate Limitation middlewares are implemented We are using Tokens for this one
On the Front-End, we are using a React with Typescript project using Vite
How to run:
You'll need .NET 8.0 SDK And Docker Desktop
Once you have it, download the 'mysql' docker image:
docker pull mysql
Then, get the MySQL container online
docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name fixflow -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=xpvista7810 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=fixflow -e MYSQL_USER=lendacerda -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=xpvista7810 mysql
At the MySQL terminal, you'll need to Grant * PRIVILEGES to the 'lendacerda' User
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mysql.* TO 'lendacerda'@'%';
Than, get into the Server folder
cd .\FixFlow.Server
And run
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
dotnet ef database update
Now you can run the project with dotnet watch run
P.S.: i recommend you do this from a separate 'Terminal' window, as you'll have the BackEnd and FrontEnd both running with Hot-Reload in separate tabs