MatthiasScholz / cos

Basic Cluster Orchestration Setup
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Basic Cluster Orchestration System

Making use of terraform and nomad to setup a cluster orchestration system. This respository will provide an extended example from the main nomad terraform module


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The COS (Cluster Orchestration System) consists of three core components.

  1. A cluster of nomad servers servers (NMS, the leaders).
  2. Several nomad clients (NMC).
  3. A cluster of consul servers used as service registry. Together with the consul-agents on each of the instances, consul is used as Service Discovery System.

The nomad instances are organized in so called data-centers. A data-center is a group of nomad instances. A data-center can be specified as destination of a deployment of a nomad job.

The COS organizes it's nodes in five different data-centers.

  1. DC leader: Contains the nomad servers (NMS).
  2. DC backoffice: Contains those nomad clients (NMC) that provide basice functionality in order to run services. For example the prometheus servers and Grafana runs there.
  3. DC public-services: Contains public facing services. These are services the clients directly get in touch with. They process ingress traffic. Thus an ingress load-balancer like fabio runs on those nodes.
  4. DC private-services: Contains services wich are used internally. Those services do the real work, but need no access from/ to the internet.
  5. DC content-connector: Contains services which are used to obtain/ scrape data from external sources. They usually load data from content-providers.

The data-centers of the COS are organized/ live in three different subnets.

  1. Backoffice: This is the most important one, since it contains the most important instances, like the nomad servers. Thus it's restricted the most and has no access to the internet (either ingress nor egress).
  2. Services: This subnet contains the services that need no egress access to the internet. Ingress access is only granted for some of them over an ALB, but not directly.
  3. Content-Connector: This subnet contains services that need egress access to the internet in order to obtain data from conent-providers.

Docker Registry

This Cluster Orchestration System allows to pull docker images from public docker registries like Docker Hub and from AWS ECR.

Regarding AWS ECR, it is only possible to pull from the registry of the AWS account and region where this COS is deployed to. Thus you have to create an ECR in the same region on the same account and push your docker images there.



The consul-servers as well as the nomad-servers are build up in an high-availability set up. At least three consul- and nomad-servers are deployed in different availability-zones. The nomad-clients are deployed in three different AZ's as well.



Providing detailed documentation for this module.


Provides example instanziation of this module. The root-example builds up a full working nomad-cluster including the underlying networking, the nomad servers and -clients and a consul cluster for service discovery.


Terraform modules for separate aspects of the cluster orchestration system.

Module Dependencies

The picture shows the dependencies within the modules of the cos-stack and the dependencies to the networking-stack. deps


Monitoring Server and Nodes

Nomad CLI complains about invalid Certificate

If you have deployed the cluster with https endpoints for the ui-albs and have created a selfsigned certificate you might get errors from the nomad cli complanig about an invalid certificate (x509: certificate is..). To fix this you have to integrate your custom root-CA you used for signing your certificate apropriately into your system.

Provide access to CA cert-file

Therefore you have to store the PEM encoded CA cert-file locally and give the information where to find it to nomad.

There are two options:

  1. -ca-cert=<path> flag or NOMAD_CACERT environment variable
  2. -ca-path=<path> flag or NOMAD_CAPATH environment variable

Disable Certificate verification

To overcome certificate verification issues you can also (not recommended) temporarily skip the certificate verification when using the nomad CLI.

  1. -tls-skip-verify As additional parameter in your cli calls. i.e. nomad plan -tls-skip-verify jobfile.nomad
  2. NOMAD_SKIP_VERIFY Just set the environment variable to 1. export NOMAD_SKIP_VERIFY=1 And then call your CLI commands as usual. i.e. nomad plan jobfile.nomad



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