MatthiasWiesner / antivirus_check_service

The Antivirus Check Service provides the ability to scan files with a locally installed clamav daemon. In addition, the service offers a URL scan using virustotal.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Antivirus Check Service

The Antivirus Check Service provides the ability to scan files with a locally installed clamav daemon. In addition, the service offers a URL scan using virustotal. The Antivirus Check Service processes incoming scan requests and sends the scan result to a specified web hook.


Antivirus Check Service provides two interfaces.


The WebAPI is the most common interface to use Antivirus Check Service. All requests besides of the root resource / have to be authenticated using basic access authentication.

A GET request to https://<antivirus-check-service>/ gives a detailed usage api doc:

"scan file request": {
    "description": "Download file and scan against virus (using local clamd), report back to given webhook uri",
    "path": "/scan/file",
    "method": "POST",
    "params": {
        "download_uri": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Complete uri to the downloadable file"
        "callback_uri": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Complete uri to the callback uri"
"scan url request": {
    "description": "Scan Url (using virustotal), report back to given webhook Uri",
    "path": "/scan/url",
    "method": "POST",
    "params": {
        "url": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Url to scan using virustotal"
        "callback_uri": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Complete Uri to the callback uri"
"clamav daemon version": {
    "description": "Get clamav daemon version and last database update",
    "path": "/antivirus-version",
    "method": "GET"

To get the clamav daemon version and last database update, you can send a request to the WebAPI /antivirus-version. The response is similar to:

{"clamd-version": "0.99.2/24389/Tue", "clamd-database-version": "2018/03/13 - 08:12:22"}


The Antivirus Check Service provides an AMQP API, which is uses by the WebAPI as well. Authenticate and publish a message to the regarding queue using the routing_key:

scan file:

scan url:


The reports are PUT requests to the given webhook Uri. The payload differs reagrding the scan type.

scan file payload

{"virus_detected": "<true|false>", "virus_signature": "<null|signature name>"}

scan url payload

{"blacklisted": "<true|false>", "full_report": "<virustotal's full report>"}


If an error occures the Antivirus Check Service will try to send an error page (500) with the error message as json:

{"error": "<error message>"}


As prerequisite you have to have installed: git and make. In general, follow the instruction in the vagrant provision script.

To get the services running, you need access to rabbitmq-server and clamav-daemon.




An API-Key is needed to use virustotal. To get this, an account on virustotal has to be created. The API-Key can be found in the account's settings.


git clone this repository to a modern debian (currently stretch). Change to the new directory and run as root: make install. This will install all necessary packages.

Verify installation


Change to install directory and run make update

Development & Testing

This project can be developed and tested in a vagrant box. debian/stretch64 is used as predefined image. It is strongly recommended to use the vagrant-vbguest plugin: by vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest. (The virtualbox guest additions provides synchronizing the sources)

The vagrant command vagrant up starts a virtual machine and provision Antivirus Check Service within. At the end of the provision the Antivirus Check Service service will be started.