MatthieuStigler / degree_flexibility_covid

Replication code for the paper Researchers’ Degrees of Flexibility: Revisiting COVID-19 Policy Evaluations
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Replication code for the paper Researchers’ Degrees of Flexibility: Revisiting COVID-19 Policy Evaluations

The code is written in R, and uses an Rstudio R project which will take care of the relative paths of the different files. It is there recommended to run the script from Rstudio by loading the Rproject degree_flexibility_covid.Rproj.

The code is also hosted on (but only the code), this is done to allow to make eventual updates to the code if mistakes are discovered.

Data dissemination

This dataset offers aggregated and transformed data derived from Google Mobility, Safegraph, Cuebiq, and PlaceIQ. To respect their data use agreements, we only provide anonymized county-level information.

How to run this, Software Requirements: R and R packages

This folder uses R and the Rstudio R-project system. This allows all file paths to be expressed relatively to where the file degree_flexibility_covid.Rproj is located. Users should open the degree_flexibility_covid.Rproj in Rstudio. Alternatively, they should set the working directory to where degree_flexibility_covid.Rproj is located.

R and R package versions can be read from the renv.lock file. This project was configured with renv, although it is deactivated by default within this project. To activate it, and hence get the same package versions as used for the paper, run:


For more information, see

The project also uses two non-CRAN packages, tht can either be installed manually using the command below, or by running renv::activate()

Computational requirements

The full project was run (using master_run_all.R, see below) on a Linux server with 128 GB of RAM. R version was 4.4.1 (see also renv.lock). Some scripts in the folder code/1_code_analysis are memory and time intensive, and thus their output is made available in the folder data_replicate/3_data_analysis_output to avoid lengthy run times.

Some files are particularly slow:

They use parallel processing, and thus can be very memory intensive. One might want to adjust the cores_number = 12 value to reduce RAM memory usage.

Folder structure

quick overview

To produce the figures and tables in the paper, re-run scripts in the code/2_code_figures_tables folder. Each script contains in its name the specific figure/table of the paper. The output of these scripts is stored in the output_replicate folder.

The file code/master_run_all.R can run all the files. By default (ie. with option run_heavy=FALSE), it runs only the final files to create the figures and tables. Setting run_heavy=TRUE will re-run the regression files, which are very slow and heavy (running code/master_run_all.R with run_heavy=TRUE took about 3 hours 40 on a server).

full description

The project is structured as following:

├── code
│   ├── 0_code_clean
│   ├── 1_code_analysis
│   ├── 2_code_figures_tables
│   ├── auxiliary_packages
│   └── auxiliary_scripts
├── data_replicate
│   ├── 0_data_raw
│   ├── 1_data_intermediate
│   ├── 2_data_final
│   └── 3_data_analysis_output
├── output_replicate
└── renv

Specific files

Due to data sharing restrictions, some files cannot be run without downloading data:

As a consequence, some files cannot be run either:

However, files in code/1_code_analysis and code/2_code_figures_tables still can be run.


The file code/master_run_all.R runs all files, except the ones cited above. It contains a run_heavy option, which is FALSE by default, thus excluding very heavy files from running.

The file code/1_code_analysis/2_regression_event_study_CSestimator.R uses a very important amount of RAM memory (120 GB!!) when used with parallel processing. To avoid too heavy computations, it needs to be run twice by changing one line of code, see line ## This needs to be manually adjusted! run twice.

Data Availability and Provenance Statements

Summary of Availability

Some data cannot be made publicly available.

Details on each Data Source

0_data_raw contains 5 files:

Data name Data files Description Location Provided
All city-level MRP all_cities_policy.rds City-level mobility-restricting policies, collected by the authors and MTurk workers through 2020-05-01 data_replicate/0_raw_data/ Yes
Earliest city-level MRP cities_min_policy.rds City-level first mobility-restricting policies, collected by the authors and MTurk workers through 2020-05-01 data_replicate/0_raw_data/ Yes
All states MRP clean_states_declarations.rds State-level mobility-restricting policies, collected by the authors and MTurk workers through 2020-05-01 data_replicate/0_raw_data/ Yes
All counties MRP counties_declarations_cleaned.rds County-level mobility-restricting policies, collected by the authors and MTurk workers through 2020-05-01, checked and completed with NACO data: NACO data_replicate/0_raw_data/ Yes
Counties MRP, panel format counties_declarations_panel.rds County-level mobility-restricting policies in a panel format, collected by the authors and MTurk workers through 2020-05-01, checked and completed with NACO data: NACO data_replicate/0_raw_data/ Yes
PlaceIQ Device exposure metric county_dex.csv PlaceIQ device exposure data, downloaded 2020-04-26 from Github data_replicate/0_raw_data/ Yes
County presidential election data countypres_2000-2016.csv Presidential election data, downloaded 2020-04-26 from MIT Election lab, MIT Election Lab data_replicate/0_raw_data/ Yes
Daily weather data DAILY_WEATHER.dta Daily weather data, downloaded 2020-04-30 from Global Historical Climatology Network Daily GHCN data_replicate/0_raw_data/ Yes
Google mobility data google_mobility_raw.csv Google mobility data downloaded 2020-04-26 from Google Mobility Report data_replicate/0_raw_data/ Yes
New York Times covid tracker data NYT_us_counties.csv Covid tracker data, downloaded 2020-04-26 from New York Times, NYT data_replicate/0_raw_data/ Yes
State-level MRP complement data state_policies_dateissued_group.rds State level covid policies, downloaded 2020-04-26 from COVID19StatePolicy data_replicate/0_raw_data/ Yes
Safegraph mobility data No
Cuebiq mobility data No
Data files Description How created Location Provided
US_states_dataOnly.csv Cleaned US states 0_code_clean/0_clean_us_states.R data_replicate/1_data_intermediate Yes
cases_mortality_nyt.rds Cleaned COVID cases 0_code_clean/0_clean_cases_mortality_NYT.R data_replicate/1_data_intermediate Yes
county_pres_elections_2016.rds Cleaned presidential elections data 0_code_clean/0_clean_county_presidential_elections.R data_replicate/1_data_intermediate Yes
declarations_counties_states_cases_dates.rds Cleaned counties declaration data 0_code_clean/1_1_merge_counties_states_declarations_create_panel.R data_replicate/1_data_intermediate Yes
declarations_counties_states_dates.rds Clean counties and states declarations 0_code_clean/1_1_merge_counties_states_declarations_create_panel.R data_replicate/1_data_intermediate Yes
declarations_counties_states_panel.rds Cleaned states declarations, panel format 0_code_clean/1_1_merge_counties_states_declarations_create_panel.R data_replicate/1_data_intermediate Yes
google_mobility_clean.csv Cleaned Google mobility 0_code_clean/0_clean_googleMob_csv.R data_replicate/1_data_intermediate Yes
placeIQ_county_device_exposure.rds Cleaned device exposure (PlaceIQ) data 0_code_clean/0_clean_placeIQ_county_dex.R data_replicate/1_data_intermediate Yes
us_acs5_sf.rds Cleaned county census data 0_code_clean/0_clean_map_us_counties.R data_replicate/1_data_intermediate Yes
weather_cleaned.rds Cleaned weather data 0_code_clean/0_clean_weather.R data_replicate/1_data_intermediate Yes
vars_names_and_formulas Set of files manually constructed for models 1_code_analysis/0_1_generate_table_regression_formula.R, 0_2_generate_table_covariates.R, etc. data_replicate/1_data_intermediate Yes
Cuebiq cleaned Cleaned Cuebiq mobility data 0_code_clean/0_clean_cuebiq.R No
Sagegraph mobility data aggregated Aggregated Safegraph data to the county level 0_code_clean/0a_clean_safegraph_aggregate_SD_county.R No
Sagegraph mobility data aggregated/cleaned Clean county-level aggregated Safegraph data 0_code_clean/0b_clean_safegraph_county_level_SD.R No
merged_panel_did.rds Merged panel for static two-way fixed effects 0_code_clean/1_2_merge_main_datasets.R data_replicate/2_data_final/ Yes
merged_panel_did_long.rds Merged panel, long version for fixed effects 0_code_clean/1_2_merge_main_datasets.R data_replicate/2_data_final/ Yes
merged_panel_event_dummies.rds Merged panel for dynamic event studies models 0_code_clean/1_3_merge_main_datasets_panel_event.R data_replicate/2_data_final/ Yes
regression_event_study_CS Folder for Callaway-Sant'Anna regression objects 1_code_analysis/2_regression_event_study_CSestimator.R data_replicate/3_data_analysis_output/ Yes
regression_event_study_vanilla Folder for two-way fixed effects event studies 1_code_analysis/3_events_all_outcomes_all_specs_F_run.R data_replicate/3_data_analysis_output/ Yes
all_bacon_decomps_individual_policies.rds Goodman-Bacon decomposition outputs 1_code_analysis/4_bacon_decomp_individual_policies.R data_replicate/3_data_analysis_output/ Yes
all_regs_tidy_binded.rds Standard static two-way fixed effects output 1_code_analysis/1_regression_2wayFE.R data_replicate/3_data_analysis_output/ Yes Callaway-Sant'Anna regression output (zipped) 1_code_analysis/2_regression_event_study_CSestimator.R data_replicate/3_data_analysis_output/ Yes Dynamic event studies output (zipped) 1_code_analysis/3_events_all_outcomes_all_specs_F_run.R data_replicate/3_data_analysis_output/ Yes