YAMMS - Yet Another MultiMesh Scatter
Table of Contents
What is it?
Yamms (Yet another multimesh scatter) is a plugin for Godot to place MultiMesh meshes into the game world.
Author: Mattiny
Youtube: https://youtu.be/k5mwwakNHU4
Note: This plugin is only compatible with Godot 4.0 and following Godot versions.
- Place MultiMeshInstances of different types into your scene.
- Configure the proportions of how many meshes of each type shall be placed into your scene.
- Configure random rotation and scale individually for each item.
- Set up an area via Path3D polygon in which the meshes shall placed.
- Set up exclusion areas via Path3D polygons (inside your area definition) to leave these areas empty (for some or all items).
- Configure the height of the generated meshes: "Flat", "Floating", "Dropped on floor", "Dropped on ceiling".
- Add additional scenes (e.g. collision objects) at the same position as the MultiMeshInstance3D instances.
The MultiScatter is the main node of the whole MultiMesh scatter set up.
- In your Scene: Add the node "MultiScatter"
- Whenever the MultiScatter node is selected: The Editor shows buttons to set up a polygon. Add at least 3 point which span an area which is large enough to hold the meshes. Best practice: Change to orthogonal top view of your scene (key "7").
- In Inspector set up properties:
- Amount: the amount of meshes which are generated into the scene.
- Seed: The random number generator seed. Using a seed makes the pattern of randomly generated meshes reproducible. Change the seed until you are satisfied with the result.
- Collision mask: When using "Dropped on floor": set up which collision detection mask shall be used to identify the floor.
- Floating min max: Set up the min- max- range of the mesh's height when floating.
- Debug messages: Write additional output messages when generating the MultiMeshInstance3D positions. (as the name says: for debug purposes, when something does not work as expected)
The MultiScatterItem keeps information about one type of meshes in the MultiMesh set up. It needs to be a child node underneath the MultiScatter node. There can be multiple MultiScatterItems in one MultiScatter.
- In your scene: Add the node "MultiScatterItem" as a child node to a MultiScatter node.
- Select the MultiScatterItem.
Set up a MultiMeshInstance3D
- In the inspector: Paramter "MultiMesh": Create a new MultiMesh
- Click at the new MultiMesh: The MultiMesh parameters open and are editable
- set "Transform Format" to "3D"
- Drag & Drop a mesh from your file system into the inspector property "Mesh"
- If necessary: Drag & Drop a material for this mesh to inspector property "Geometry / Material override"
Set up parameters
- Proportion: The amount proportion for this mesh. The exact amount depends on the "Amount" property of the parent MultiScatter and the proportion of sibling MultiScatterItems.
- Placement mode: Specifies how the meshes are placed into your scene.
- Flat: all meshes are generated on a flat simple plane.
- Floating: all meshes are generated floating in 3D space
- Dropped on floor: all meshes are generated on the floor. This requires a sufficiently large object with collision shape underneath. Note: The whole polygon (MultiScatter) must be hovering ABOVE the ground.
- Dropped on ceiling: all meshes are generated on the ceiling. This requires a sufficiently large object with collision shape above. Note: The whole polygon (MultiScatter) must be hovering UNDERNEATH the collision object.
- Random Rotation: if activated: The max angle of the random rotation of each mesh.
- Random Scale: if activated: The max random scale of each mesh.
- Additional Scene: Places an additional scene (PackedScene) at the same position as the scattered item. Can be used e.g. to put collision objects at the same position. Note It is a real scene, not a primitive MultiScatterItem3D. So it uses more resources at runtime than MultiMeshInstances. It is not supposed to be used with too many instances.
- Target Node: References the node where the scenes are placed in the scene tree. Note Don't place any other relevant Nodes of your scene underneath the referenced node. Whenever the MultiMeshInstance3D positions are generated, the target node will be deleted (without question).
- Additional scene: Reference to a PackedScene which will be instantiated and placed at the same position as the MultiMeshInstance3D.
- Excludes: is an array of references to MultiScatterExclude instances. If left empty (default) all MultiScatterExclude areas underneath the MultiScatter element are considered when generating the MultiMeshInstance3D positions. But if at least one exclude-area refrence is put into the array of "excludes", then only the referenced exclude-areas are active for this MultiScatterItem.
The MultiScatterExclude defines a sub area which is left empty without any mesh generated in it. It is expected to be
a child node of MultiScatter. There can be more than one MultiScatterExclude in one MultiScatter.
As done for MultiScatter: set up points of the area polygon. It only makes sense to place the polygon inside (or at least overlap) the area of the MultiScatter.
- Do not place a MultiScatterExclude completely outside the MultiScatter area (Well, if you want to: do it. But it won't have any effect then.)
- Do not cover the whole MultiScatter area with MultiScatterExclude areas. This way no meshes will be generated because there is no room for the meshes.
- MultiScatterItems can refer to specific MultiScatterExclude instances. This can be set up in the MultiScatterItem. Then only the selected MultiScatterExclude instances apply to that MultiScatterItem.
Once the MultiScatter set up has been completed, select the MultiScatter node again. Right next to the buttons which let you draw the polygon there is a "Generate" button.
Hit the generate button and all meshes are generated and placed into your scene.
You still can edit your set up (move polygons, add/remove points to polygons, add MultiScatterItems, etc). But remember: to make these changes effective you need to hit the "Generate" button again.
Common use cases
Different types of MultiScatterItems
You can set up multiple MultiScatterItems for one MultiScatter.
Each MultiScatterItem can have a different configuration (Proportion, Random scale and rotation, etc) which gives you a maximum control how these items will be placed into your scene.
Rename the items in the scene tree to get a better overview of you scene.
Exclude areas for specific MultiScatterItems only
You have set up a complex scene with several MultiScatterItems (e.g.: grass, flowers and some trees) and you have set up multiple exclude areas (e.g.: pathways and some houses). Now you have some areas where you want to have some of the MultiScatterItems, but not all of them (e.g.: no trees between the houses, but there shall be grass).
To get this done add another MultiScatterExclude and set up the polygon for the area in which shall be excluded for some MultiScatterItems.
After that edit the MultiScatterItems:
- If only some MultiScatterExclude areas apply for a MultiScatterItem (e.g.: the grass, which shall ignore the tree's exclude area): add an element in the exclude list and select the MultiScatterExclude which shall be effictive for this MultiScatterItem.
- If all MultiScatterExclude areas apply for a MultiScatterItem: leave it as it is. By default all MultiScatterExclude areas are applicable.
- Select the MultiScatter element and hit "generate" button again and the changes will be effective.
Collision objects
You can assign an additional scene (containing a collision object) to a MultiScatterItem. This additional scene will be placed at the same position as the MultiScatterItem.
- Make sure that the size, rotation and location of the collision object matches the mesh of the MultiScatterItem. Best practice here: keep mesh and collision object at the world origin of the scene (at position 0,0,0).
- Make sure that the actual number of instances of the MultiScatterItem is not too high because this will generate separated instances of the additional scene.
- Enable the "Additional Scene" feature for the MultiScatterItem
- Set up the "target node" by selecting the node of your scene tree where the additional scenes shall be dropped. Note: this should be an empty node. Do not place any relevant nodes of your scene into that node. All children of the node will be deleted when generating again.
- Drop the scene containing the collision object to the field "addintional scene"
- Select the MultiScatter element and hit "generate" button again and the changes will be effective.
- Collision objects are dropped into the scene
- Scene instances are located underneath the selected target node