Mauin / ReactiveAwareness

Android library to quickly and easily get the users context using the Awareness API and RxJava
Apache License 2.0
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android android-awareness-apis awareness rxjava rxjava2

ReactiveAwareness: Android Awareness APIs in a reactive manner with RxJava2

ReactiveAwareness lets you use the Android Awareness API with RxJava and without handling all those GoogleApiClients yourself.

Learn more about the Android Awareness APIs at

This library supports both the Snapshot API for providing polling based information about the users context as well as the Fence API for getting callbacks for specific states (fences) the users context might be in.


To use ReactiveAwareness in your project, add the library as a dependency in your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.mtramin.reactiveawareness2:reactiveawareness:2.0.0'

To use ReactiveAwareness Fences in your project, add the library as a dependency in your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.mtramin.reactiveawareness2:reactiveawareness-fence:2.0.0'


This libraries minSdkVersion is 15.

Requests regarding beacons need at least API level 18 to run. Make sure at runtime that you have a supported Sdk version for these calls.


Depending on your usage of ReactiveAwareness you might also have to declare some permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml. Remember that from Android Marshmallow (API 23) you will have to support runtime permissions for those:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="" />

The Location permission is used for all location based events in the Awareness API.

The Activity Recognition permission is used for recognizing the current activity of the user.

API Keys

As ReactiveAwareness will query Google APIs for the results, you need to provide API Keys in your applications AndroidManifest.xml. For more information about which API Keys you need and how to aquire them, please read the official Google documentation at

Should you call a method that requires an API Key but you don't specify it correctly in your applications Manifest, ReactiveAwareness will throw an Exception.

Using the reactive Snapshot API (ReactiveSnapshot)

All your interactions with the SnapshotAPI through the library will be through the ReactiveSnapshot class.

Obtain an instance by calling:


Then you can use this instance to reactively retrieve context information about the current state of the device such as the weather at the device location. Be sure to unsubscribe from the Singles as soon as you don't care about their result anymore as this will then also cancel the request with the GoogleApiClient (e.g. in onStop of your Activity).

Simply subscribe to the provided methods (using weather as an example here).

        weather -> handleWeather(weather),
        throwable -> handleError(throwable)

Using the reactive Fence API (ReactiveFences)

For using reactive fences there are two different options depending on the use case.

To retrieve updates to specific fences while the application is in foreground you can use an ObservableFence which will provide updates to its fences via an Observable.

To get updates to fences while the application is either in the foreground but also when it is in the background you can use a BackgroundFence.

Fences will return you with a boolean value. True indicates that the fence conditions are valid, while false indicates the contrary.

Defining Fences

For more information about how to define AwarenessFences please refer to the documentation on

ReactiveAwareness supports all Fences that are available in the Fence API.


BackgroundFences will also receive updates to fence states when the application is in the background via a BroadcastReceiver. To use BackgroundFences you have to extend the libraries FenceReceiver in your application and implement the onUpdate method which will notify your implementation about state changes in one of your fences.

Please register your implementation of the FenceReceiver in your AndroidManifest.xml. Please also keep the action name and use "ReactiveAwarenessFence" as the action.

<receiver android:name=".ExampleFenceReceiver">
        <action android:name="ReactiveAwarenessFence"/>

BackgroundFences are named with unique names. This way you can identify which of your fences was updated.

For registering and unregistering use the BackgroundFence class which provides you the necessary methods to do so:

BackgroundFence.register(context, "name_example", fence);

BackgroundFence.unregister(context, "name_example");

To query which fences are currently registered and to retrieve their current states you can also call the query method.

Fence Data

Fences can have data attached to them. So if you need some more information about a fence other than it's condition being true or false you can attach data to a Fence in form of a Bundle.

Create your fence with a bundle and all callbacks that are delivered to your FenceReceiver implementation will also contain this bundle.

BackgroundFence.registerWithData(this, "name_example", fence, bundle);


To use an ObservableFence simply create one by calling:

ObservableFence.create(context, fence)
            isTrue -> Log.e(TAG, "Observable Fence State: " + isTrue),
            throwable -> handleError(throwable)

As long as you are subscribed to this Observable you will continue to receive status updates when the state of the fence changes. Please remember to unsubscribe from the Observable when appropriate. This will also automatically unregister the fence and will stop further updates.


ReactiveAwareness brings the following dependencies:

Bugs and Feedback

For bugs, questions and discussions please use the Github Issues.


Copyright 2016 Marvin Ramin.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.