Maverick-Merchants / grace-hopper

MIT License
0 stars 3 forks source link

Grocery Shopping List

Description: E-Commerce grocery site

Tier 1: MVP Shopping Experience

  1. As a customer/visitor, I want to be able to:
  1. As a logged-in customer, I want to be able to:
  1. As an administrator, I want to be able to:
  1. As an engineer, I want to:



To use this as boilerplate, you'll need to take the following steps:

git remote add boilermaker
git fetch boilermaker
git merge boilermaker/main
git branch -m master main


Now that you've got the code, follow these steps to get acclimated:

createdb graceshopper
createdb graceshopper-test


Sync and seed your database by running npm run seed. Running npm run start:dev will make great things happen!