MaxHillebrand / archive_towardsliberty

An archive of knowledge about Bitcoin, Economics and Natural Law, curated by Max Hillebrand.
MIT License
8 stars 4 forks source link

Towards Liberty


The knowledge archive Towards Liberty is built using an open source static site generator called VuePress. Its configuration and theme are extremely customizable, and it offers great defaults out-of-the-box. Check out the VuePress website for details on how to use it.

To contribute to the content of the website, you can make PRs related to the markdown files in the /docs/ directory, and if merged, the changes will automatically be integrated into the documentation website by VuePress. Know that you do not need to understand/deal with VuePress at all in this case.

Reference files

Please consider this repository structure for hyperlinks, and use relative links whenever possible, for example:

[Max' PGP key](/contact/MaxHillebrandPublicKey.asc)

Embedding images

The images are stored in the /docs/.vuepress/public/ directory. They can be embedded via the following markdown tags:


Embedding icons

To insert icons inline with the text, use these HTML tags:

<img src="" alt="icon" class="shield" />

Embedding videos

Youtube videos and playlists can be embedded via the following custom markdown tags:


Optionally you can also specify the start position of a video in seconds (e.g. starts at 100 seconds):


And the index of the video of a playlist (e.g. starts the third video):


Text Highlights

There are three types of text highlights that can be used to display different colored boxes.

A green box displaying a friendly tip:


A yellow box with a cautious warning:


A red box with a clear danger, you can also add a title foo to any container:

:::danger foo

Frequently asked questions

Use this markdown box with the headers to write the FAQ:

### question

answer answer answer.
answer answer answer.

When you want to highlight text within a question, then you need to nest containers by adding more : for the outer block start/end. The outer details container has now four ::::, and the inner warning container has still three :::.

### question

answer answer answer.

answer answer answer.


To have a single place to maintain universal strings like the current Wasabi version number, we use variables in the Markdown (i.e. ${currentVersion}). These variables are managed in docs/.vuepress/variables.js. Occurrences of ${variableName} get substituted before the Markdown is processed.

Build the Documentation Locally

In order to build the website locally, you'll need Node.js >= 10.16 (or basically the latest LTS version).

Serve locally

  1. Install dependencies
  2. Serve locally (by default on port 8080)
npm install
npm start