MaxWindt / live_audio_broadcaster

Apache License 2.0
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Live Audio Broadcaster

A server which allows audio publishers to broadcast to subscribers on a channel, using nothing more than a modern web browser.

It uses websockets for signalling & WebRTC for audio.

The designed use case is for live events where language translation is happening. A translator would act as a publisher and people wanting to hear the translation would be subscribers.


Download Zip folder and unzip

Custom DNS (optional)

Install Docker Desktop

Run in folder

docker compose up 

Edit Settings under http://localhost:8084/admin


Usage of ./babelcast:
  -port int
        listen on this port (default 80)
  -webRoot string
        web root directory (default "html")

Then point your web browser to http://localhost/publisher.html

If the PUBLISHER_PASSWORD environment variable is set, then publishers will be required to enter the password before they can connect.


Thanks to Babelcast and the excellent Pion library for making WebRTC so accessible.