MaxenceDC / sparsestructures

A simple and configurable one-mixin mod that makes all (even datapacks and modded) structures more spread out (or more common!), essentially making them rarer/easier to find. Useful in big modpacks with a lot of structures mod to encourage exploration and make the experience more challenging or balanced.
MIT License
4 stars 4 forks source link

BetterEnd breaks with Sparse Structures #14

Closed steve-the-player closed 4 months ago

steve-the-player commented 7 months ago

When using BetterEnd combined with Sparse structures, none of the BetterEnd biomes spawn in. This also means that the central end island (which is normally considered its own biome) doesn't spawn in any of the obsidian towers

MaxenceDC commented 7 months ago

Hmm, that's interesting, I'll try to reproduce this when I can. Thank you for the report.

MaxenceDC commented 4 months ago

I can't reproduce this issue with a fresh install (only SparseStructures, BetterEnd, BCLib and Fabric API). Make sure the world type is set to BetterX.