MaxenceDC / sparsestructures

A simple and configurable one-mixin mod that makes all (even datapacks and modded) structures more spread out (or more common!), essentially making them rarer/easier to find. Useful in big modpacks with a lot of structures mod to encourage exploration and make the experience more challenging or balanced.
MIT License
4 stars 4 forks source link

Sparse Structures

A simple and configurable mod that makes all (even datapacks and modded) structures more spread out (or more common!), essentially making them rarer/easier to find. Useful in big modpacks with a lot of structures mod to encourage exploration and make the experience more challenging or balanced.

Notice: this does not alter the generation of ores/geodes or other features of this kind, and alters very slightly the terrain and trees (not enough to be an issue to most players).


Comparison between two world on the same seed, the one on the left showing a witch hut and a mansion (without the mod), the one on the right showing the same terrain but without those structures

In a modded environment:

First screenshot of the comparison, showing many (maybe too many) structures at once in the ocean because of the quantity of structure mods installed. Second screenshot of the comparison, showing lot less structures in the same world (seed), at the same coordinates.

Structure Mods in the picture : Tidal towns, Explorify, all Yung's mods, Just Another Structure Pack, MVS, Explorations, Towns and Towers, Dungeons and Taverns...



The config can be found in the config folder of your instance, and is named sparsestructures.json5. It contains the following options :

For now, you have to restart the game for the config to be reloaded. This behavior may change in the future.


Fabric API (if you're using Fabric, or use the Quilt equivalent)

Future Updates


Icon made with Gimp using Twemoji and FiraCode
Multiloader Template by jaredlll08