MaxenceDC / sparsestructures

A simple and configurable one-mixin mod that makes all (even datapacks and modded) structures more spread out (or more common!), essentially making them rarer/easier to find. Useful in big modpacks with a lot of structures mod to encourage exploration and make the experience more challenging or balanced.
MIT License
4 stars 4 forks source link

About the Impact of a Single World #16

Open PaiAleMon opened 7 months ago

PaiAleMon commented 7 months ago

I have installed this module on my server. According to feedback from server players, the effect is very good. Can you update a feature about world control in a future version. We need sparse structures to only work in the overworld, while the two worlds of Nether and end still maintain vanilla structures

MaxenceDC commented 6 months ago

I think I'll try to add this along the update that'll add support for different worlds.