MaxenceDC / sparsestructures

A simple and configurable one-mixin mod that makes all (even datapacks and modded) structures more spread out (or more common!), essentially making them rarer/easier to find. Useful in big modpacks with a lot of structures mod to encourage exploration and make the experience more challenging or balanced.
MIT License
4 stars 4 forks source link

forge version #2

Open TheVirusNVGM opened 10 months ago

TheVirusNVGM commented 10 months ago

you have plan for forge version your mod?

MaxenceDC commented 10 months ago

Ima steal your kneecaps!

more seriously, I don't, but maybe I will, in a long time.

gardenappl commented 10 months ago

Can I fork the mod and make my own Forge version?

MaxenceDC commented 10 months ago

Apparently someone made one already on curseforge without asking me, which I find a bit rude but my License allows that. Thank you for asking me, you definitely can if you credit me :D

gardenappl commented 10 months ago

Okay, cool. Looks like the Reforged port is marked for 1.19.2 on CurseForge but it works on 1.20.1. That's good enough for me, at least for now.

MaxenceDC commented 1 month ago

@gardenappl and @TheVirusNVGM, just wanted to let you know that a NeoForge version is out for 1.21 and a Forge version will be coming soon for earlier versions.