MaximeWack / seriestracker

A series tracker for emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Missing Parenthese in the Configure Section of the README #3

Open trueauracoral opened 5 months ago

trueauracoral commented 5 months ago

There is a missing parenthesee it gave me an error when I first copy pasted it:


;; series tracker
(use-package seriestracker
  :demand ;;To force loading seriestracker
  :config ;;These are the default
  (setq seriestracker-file (concat user-emacs-directory "seriestracker.el"
        seriestracker--fold-cycle 'seriestracker-all-folded ;; can also be 'seriestracker-all-unfolded or 'seriestracker-series-folded. Will deternine the folding at startup
        seriestracker-show-watched "hide"   ;; whether to hide or "show" the watched episodes
        seriestracker-sorting-type "next")) ;; or "alpha" for alphabetic sort

I added a parenthese and now that error is gone now it says: image

I checked melpa and it does exist. I am not sure what's the problem. DO I have to manually install it? I am an emacs noob. I am windows btw.

MaximeWack commented 5 months ago


Try adding the missing parenthesis at the end of the line with concat: (concat user-emacs-directory "seriestracker.el") Thank you for bringing this typo to my attention, I'll soon push some updates including this correction.


trueauracoral commented 5 months ago

I tried that this is my configuration:

;; series tracker
(use-package seriestracker
  :load-path "~/.emacs.d/seriestracker.el"
  :demand ;;To force loading seriestracker
  :config ;;These are the default
  (setq seriestracker-file (concat user-emacs-directory "seriestracker.el")
        seriestracker--fold-cycle 'seriestracker-all-folded ;; can also be 'seriestracker-all-unfolded or 'seriestracker-series-folded. Will deternine the folding at startup
        seriestracker-show-watched "hide"   ;; whether to hide or "show" the watched episodes
        seriestracker-sorting-type "next")) ;; or "alpha" for alphabetic sort

Now I get new error: image

trueauracoral commented 5 months ago

I tried to use emacs's package install and I searched for series tracker and it couldn't find it. It links to an .el file and it says it cannot find it.

MaximeWack commented 5 months ago

Setting load-path to the same file that seriestracker-file will probably point to will result in errors, as one is the source code for the package and the other is the data file with your tracked series and episodes.
Try again from the repos anyway. Apparently MELPA is in your package sources as use-package knows where to look for seriestracker. I just verified that package-install does indeed not know anything about seriestracker, but list-packages does!
Also, your use-package tries to install version 20220731.2330 when the current version is 20230821.1858. Try pressing U while in list-packages to update your package list.

trueauracoral commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the help list-packages I was able to update and install series tracker. I have it installed now which is good. The issue now is when I search it's saying "wrong type argument listp, require". It's also blank. image
