MaximeWack / seriestracker

A series tracker for emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
20 stars 2 forks source link

seriestracker helps you keep track of the tv shows you watch and always know when new releases get out.

It makes use of the API provided by [[][Episodate]]. Many thanks to them!


The package is on MELPA, but you can still install the development version by cloning this repo and specifying the ~:load-path~ in ~use-package~.

+begin_src elisp

(use-package seriestracker :load-path "/path/to/seriestracker")


+begin_src elisp

(use-package seriestracker :demand ;;To force loading seriestracker :config ;;These are the default (setq seriestracker-file (concat user-emacs-directory "seriestracker.el" seriestracker--fold-cycle 'seriestracker-all-folded ;; can also be 'seriestracker-all-unfolded or 'seriestracker-series-folded. Will deternine the folding at startup seriestracker-show-watched "hide" ;; whether to hide or "show" the watched episodes seriestracker-sorting-type "next")) ;; or "alpha" for alphabetic sort


Run ~seriestracker~ to start seriestracker.

Press ~A~ to search for a series and add it to the tracker.

The controls are outline-like :

Press ~w~ to watch the episode/season/series under point, or a visual selection. You can also press ~u~ to watch all episodes up to the one under point.
Press ~W~ to toggle displaying episodes that have already been watched.
Press ~N~ to add/remove a note on the episode or series title under point. Notes are displayed in the minibuffer on mouse or text cursor hover.

You can also access a transient popup /à la/ magit by pressing ~h~.
In addition to being a cheatsheet, it allows you to manually save/load, as well as set the savefile. You can also set the sorting strategy there (alphabetically or by next episode to watch).

Although you can manually update the database by pressing ~U~, running ~seriestracker~ updates on startup.
Quitting with ~q~ autosaves to ~seriestracker-file~.