MaximoDouglas / gimmedaddy_language

Programming language made by @MaximoDouglas and @Leandro97.
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GimmeDaddy programing language

Specification and implementation (in Java) of the lexical and syntactic parsers of the GimmeDaddy language.


1. In eclipse, right click on the gimmeDaddy project -> Run as -> Maven install.

2. If the build run successfully, you will see the BUILD SUCCESS in the console


3. Go to the project folder -> target. You will see a .jar file. This jar is the result of the build you made.

4. To run the analysis, you need some file to analyze. Create a file. For example, lets call it OlaMundo, and write the code you want to analyze.

5. Open a terminal. In the example is the Windows cmd. Navigate to the folder containing the .jar file and the code file and run the command: java -jar <jarName>.jar <fileName>. In the example is: java -jar compilador-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar OlaMundo

6. If everything is ok, you will see your the tokens of your program, as well as the output like the outputs in the end of THIS document.