MayLab-UConn / BUMPy

GNU General Public License v3.0
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This program is used to generate coordinate files for use in molecular dynamics simulations of curved lipid bilayers


If you use our tool, please read and cite the BUMPy publication:

Kevin Boyd and Eric May. BUMPy: A Model-Independent Tool for Constructing Lipid Bilayers of Varying Curvature and Composition. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2018, 14(12), pp 6642-6652.


BUMPy is written and maintained by Kevin Boyd (, in the lab of Eric May at the University of Connecticut.


No installation is necessary as long as you have a python (v3) interpreter


Just numpy and scipy!


Command line tool

BUMPY is designed to be used at the command line, with something like the command "python [ options ]". All you need is the file! You can also take the file out of the BUMPy directory and use it wherever you want.

Equilibration of BUMPy systems

By mixing and matching different building block shapes, the potential arises for clashes at shape interfaces, which can (and typically does) lead to non-finite forces during energy minimization. To allow minimization to proceed, we use soft-core potentials to scale down short-range nonbonded interactions. If you are using Gromacs, the following .mdp snippet (taken from the CHARMM-GUI's suggested minimization scheme) can be used - just paste it into a typical minimization script, and minimization should work.

free-energy              = yes
init-lambda              = 0.01
sc-alpha                 = 4
sc-power                 = 2
sc-coul                  = yes
nstdhdl                  = 0
couple-moltype           = system
; we are changing both the vdw and the charge. In the initial state, both are on
couple-lambda0           = vdw-q
; in the final state, both are off.
couple-lambda1           = none
couple-intramol          = yes

You may also need to add -DFLEXIBLE to the DEFINE mdp field for some Martini lipids, or minimization will hang at the first step.

Please note that the use of soft-core potentials slows down minimization by about an order of magnitude. We therefore suggest a brief (~50 step) minimization using soft-core potentials, followed by a typical minimization without soft-core potentials. We have found that every system we've created in BUMPy can be successfully minimized with these techniques, so please do let us know if you come across a usage case where soft-core potentials are not sufficient!


Known bugs: