Mazamars312 / Analogue-Amiga

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Analogue Pocket - Commodore Amiga - 0.2.1

The Commodore Amiga was a personal computer that replaced the well-loved Commodore 64 in the Commodore product line. It also was one of the many 68K-based personal computers that showed that this CPU was a powerhouse when integrated with additional great hardware.

This is based on the MiSTer Github of the Amiga MiST project (Also known as Minimig) and the VexRISCV RISC-V chip for the Media Processing Unit (MPU) between the core and APF framework for floppy, hard drive and CD-ROM access.

This core works best with the AmigaVision configurations.

Will only work on Analogue OS firmware 2.1 and now works with the default AmigaVision harddrive image, no Pocket-specific version required anymore!

Support for >4GB hard drive images LBA48 has been turned on in the MPU and Analogue Firmware and the data.json file now has this as the MegaAGS.hdf as the default hard drive image to load.

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the Amiga core with AmigaVision installed: MegaAGS-Pocket.hdf is no longer referenced in the data.json file, so if you want to use the smaller setup instead of downloading the full version, just rename the image file. But we recommend getting the full version to have access to all the games and demos.

What can it do?

How to setup

How can I get AmigaVision running on this core?

For this you are required to have the following 3 files to place in to the \Assets\amiga\common folder

The recommended settings in the interact menu are as follows:

These can also be defaulted by selecting "Reset all to Default" in the interaction menu

Is the best way to play this using the Dock?

Menu Listing

Is there an emulated mouse while not connected to the dock?

Is there an emulated Keyboard?

Can we write to floppy disks at this moment?

Wait, you have another CPU in the FPGA?


How did you speed up load times

Why are some of the resolutions not correct?

I have game X that does not work!

AmigaVision does not start up and only a black screen is there

The Amiga Vision requires a 68020 CPU, AGA Chipset and extra memory to run. Make sure you do a "Reset all to Default" to get the core to boot.

Change since 0.1.2 to 0.2.1

Change since 0.1.0 to 0.1.2

Change since 0.0.6 to 0.1.0

Change since 0.0.5 to 0.0.6

What will be the next update?
