MazinLab / MKIDPipeline

The MKID Data Pipeline
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The MKID Pipeline

Data reduction pipeline for Mazinlab MKID instruments - see also The MKID Pipeline paper for further detail.


Pipeline Quick Start Guide

Move to a directory you would like to play around in, activate your pipeline environment with

conda activate pipeline

and run:

mkidpipe --init

This will create three YAML config files (NB "_default" will be appended if the file already exists):

  1. pipe.yaml - The pipeline global configuration file.
  2. data.yaml - A sample dataset. You'll need to redefine this with your actual data.
  3. out.yaml - A sample output configuration. You'll need to redefine this as well.

Each of these files contains extensive comments and irrelevant settings (or those for which the defaults are fine) may be omitted. More details for pipe.yaml are in mkidpipeline.pipeline and mkidpipeline.steps.<stepname>. More details for the other two are in mkidpipeline.config. Data and output yaml files can be vetted with helpful errors by running

mkidpipe --vet in the directory containing your three files.

To build and reduce this dataset open the pipe.yaml and make sure you are happy with the default paths, these should be sensible if you are working on GLADoS. On dark you'll want to change the darkdata folder to data. If the various output paths don't exist they will be created, though permissions issues could cause unexpected results. Using a shared database location might save you some time and is strongly encouraged at least across all of your pipeline runs (consider collaborating even with other users)! Outputs will be placed into a generated directory structure under out and WILL clobber existing files with the same name.

The flow section of the pipe.yaml (see also below) lists all of the pipeline steps that will be executed when doing the reduction. Here you may comment out or delete all steps you do not wish to run. For example to run all steps except the cosmiccal and speccal, the flow will look like this:

- buildhdf
- attachmeta
- wavecal
  #- cosmiccal
- pixcal
- flatcal
- wcscal
  #- speccal

Note that buildhdf, attachmeta, and wavecal need to be run for all reductions or else you will run into unexpected behavior.

To generate all necessary directories as specified in the paths section of the pipe.yaml, run

mkidpipe --make-dir

NOTE: The default values for these paths will need to be changed to point to the appropriate location for your machine.

To run the full calibration pipeline and generate specified outputs, use

mkidpipe --make-outputs in the directory containing the three yaml files.

See mkidpipe --help for more options, including how to run a single step or specify yaml files in different directories.

After a while (~TODO hours with the defaults) you should have some outputs to look at. To really get going you'll now need to use observing logs to figure out what your data.yaml and out.yaml should contain for the particular data set you want to look at. Look for good seeing conditions and note the times of the nearest laser cals.

Pipeline Flow

When run, the pipeline goes through several steps, some only as needed, and only as needed for the requested outputs, so it won't slow you down to have all your data defined in one place (i.e. you do not need multiple data.yaml files for different targets in a given night, they can all go in the same file). The steps are each described briefly in the list below with practical notes given for each step following.

  1. Photontables (mkidpipeline.photontable.Photontable) files for the defined outputs are created as needed by mkidpipeline.steps.buildhdf and are saved to the out path in the form of HDF5 (.h5) files.
  2. Observing metadata defined in the data definition and observing logs is attached to tables by mkidpipeline.pipeline.batch_apply_metadata.
  3. Any wavecals not already in the database are generated by mkidpipeline.steps.wavecal.fetch. There is some intelligence here so if the global config for the step or the start/stop times of the data is the same then the solution will not be regenerated.
  4. Photon data is wavelength calibrated by mkidpipeline.steps.wavecal.apply.
  5. Individual observations (not timeranges) have a bad pixel mask determined and associated by mkidpipeline.steps.pixcal.apply.
  6. A non-linearity correction is computed and applied mkidpipeline.steps.lincal.apply. Note that the maximum correction is <<1% for MECs maximum count rate and this step takes > 1 hour. It is recommended to omit this step.
  7. Cosmic-ray events are detected and attached via mkidpipeline.steps.cosmiccal.apply
  8. Any flatcals not already in the database are generated by mkidpipeline.steps.flatcal.fetch. There is some intelligence here so if the global config for the step or the start/stop times of the data the solution will be regnerated.
  9. Pixels are flat-fielded calibrated mkidpipeline.steps.flatcal.apply.
  10. Any WCS solutions are generated via mkidpipeline.steps.wcscal.fetch, though at present this is a no-op as that code has not been written. All WCS solutions much thus be defined using the wcscal outputs of platescale and so forth (see the example).
  11. Requested output products (dithers, stacks, movies, fits cubes, etc) are generated and stored in subdirectories per the output name (mkidpipeline.steps.output.generate).
  12. Finally spectral calibration data is generated and saved (speccals often use the output fits files of dithers) and are saved to the database (mkidpipeline.steps.speccal.fetch).

Wavelength Calibration

Takes in a series of laser exposures as inputs with optional dark exposures to remove unwanted backgrounds.

Cosmic Ray Calibration

Takes a long time to run and is a sub-percent level effect on typical data set. Not recommended for standard reductions.

Pixel Calibration

Requires no additional calibration data. Parameters defined entirely in the pipe.yaml and defaults are typically sufficient in most use cases.

Flat Fielding

Flat fields are based on either whitelight (e.g. a classical quartz/dome/sky flat) observations or on a set of laser observations used for a wavecal. The whitelight codepath is operational but has not seen appreciable use as MEC flats are generally laser-based.

WCS Calibration and Your Data

Some general notes: MEC observations are always taken with the derotator off (pupil tracking mode) and the telescope target generally w/ a coronagraph. MEC observations sometimes are taken for ADI.

Use Cases

  1. Getting a FITS image/scube with an appropriate WCS solution
    1. Here WCS makes sense as either the time window midpoint or start
    2. We think implemented correctly
    3. When these images are to be used by drizzler
      1. timebins are how to break up a dwell, larger than a dwell doesn't make sense
      2. wcs timesteps have an effective lower bound below which the resulting coadded spot size is limited by the PSF, In non adi mode (where you don't want blurring) with timebins
      3. control whether or not you see the fields aligned in the steps or not
      4. control whether or not north aligned

TODO ADD some sort of parallactic angle offset support to build_wcs and teach get_wcs about it. rip out single pa time then make drizzler compute offsets for each timestep. derotate becomes true always, adi mode turns on computation of per bin PA offsets

The end result of this is: outputs gets an adi mode setting derotate defaults to true align start pa vanishes wcs_timestep leaves the config files and takes its default of the nonblurring value

Spectral Calibration

Currently not implemented. Converts pixel counts into a flux density.

Running From a Shell

Instead of running the pipeline from the command line, MKID data can be manipulated directly from a python shell.

Generally shell operation would consist of something to the effect of

import mkidpipeline.definitions as definitions
import pkg_resources as pkg
import mkidpipeline.config as config
import mkidpipeline.pipeline as pipe
import mkidcore as core
from mkidpipeline.photontable import Photontable 
from mkidcore.corelog import getLogger

#set up logging
lcfg = pkg.resource_filename('mkidpipeline', './utils/logging.yaml')
getLogger('mkidcore', setup=True, logfile=f'mylog.log', configfile=lcfg).setLevel('WARNING')

#To access photon tables directly
pt = Photontable('/path/to/h5_file.h5')

# To load and manipulate the full MKID data sets as defined in the YAMLS
o = definitions.MKIDOutputCollection('out.yaml', datafile='data.yaml')

# ... then playing around