McAwl / Explosional

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Change air strike to red circles with bombs within circle. #50

Open McAwl opened 2 years ago

McAwl commented 2 years ago

This is hard to do: it's called decal projection. See:

Planned feature for Godot 4 - or is it already working? Can add a texture to a spotlight. Maybe move to Godot 4?

McAwl commented 2 years ago

In the meantime send a random cluster of bombs within the red light area, and expand the light area. Can we shape the light to be more like a ring?

McAwl commented 2 years ago

Or could use this?

Willy2Point0 commented 2 years ago

Maybe 2 or 3 circles depending on how many players

McAwl commented 2 years ago

Or we could add a mesh below the bomb which is invisible but casts a shadow - of an "X".

On this page is says "Select your MeshInstance node, go to the Inspector's GeometryInstance section then set the shadow mode to Shadows Only. Make sure your mesh doesn't have a transparent material attached to it. Otherwise, it won't cast any shadows."

McAwl commented 2 years ago

Or maybe this?