McAwl / Explosional

MIT License
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Explosional is a 3D split-screen game of one to four players with vehicles, weapons and explosions. And lava because why not.

Each player controls a vehicle with weapons.

In Competitive and Tough game modes, the objective is to destroy the other players using weapons or ramming. In Peaceful mode, there is no objective and no vehicle damage.

Explosional was developed with creative control from a 10yo gamer - so this game should appeal more to children than adults. Games typically last 5-10 minutes.

This is a beta release where many of the less-polished features have been disabled such as some vehicles (rally car, tank, truck), several of the weapons (air burst, nuke), AI (air strikes), and some effects (vehicle damage falling parts). We plan on fixing these features for future releases.

Written in Godot Engine 3.5.3-stable

For Windows, download both the .zip files, unpack then open the .exe to play. Good luck with MacOS, I haven’t tested it sorry - send me a message if you need.

See devlogs for release history.

Code maintained on GitHub @

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