McCache / McCache-for-Python

MIT License
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McCache for Python
This package is still under development.


McCache is a distributed in-memory write through caching library that is build on the OrderedDict package. A local cache lookup is faster than retrieving it across a network. It uses UDP multicast as the transport hence the name "Multi-Cast Cache", playfully abbreviated to "McCache".

The goals of this package are:

  1. Reduce complexity by not be dependent on any external caching service such as memcached, redis or the likes. SEE: Distributed Cache
    1. We are guided by the principal of first scaling up before scaling out.
  2. Keep the programming interface consistent with Python's dictionary. The distributed nature of the cache is transparent to you.
    1. This is an in process cache.
  3. Performant
    1. Need to handle updates that are 0.01sec (10 ms) apart.

McCache is not a replacement for your persistent or search data. It is intended to be used to cache your most expensive work. You can consider the 80/20 rule, which states that caching the most frequently accessed 20% of data can improve performance for most requests.


pip install mccache


import datetime
import mccache

c = mccache.get_cache('demo')

c['key'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()  # Insert a cache entry
print(f'Started at {c['key']}')

c['key'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()  # Update a cache entry
print(f'Ended at {c['key']}')

del c['key']  # Delete a cache entry
if 'key' not in c:
    print(f'"key" is not in the cache.')

print('At this point all the cache with namespace "demo" in the cluster are identical.')

# Query the cache metrics.

In the above example, there is nothing different in the usage of McCache from a regular Python dictionary. However, the benefit is in a clustered environment where the other member's cache are kept coherent with the changes to your local cache.


The following are some loose guidelines to help you assess if the McCache library is right for your project.

The adjectives used above have been intended to be loose and should be quantified to your environment and needs.
SEE: Testing

Not convince yet?

You can review the script used in the stress test.
SEE: Test script

You should clone this repo down and run the test in a local docker/podman cluster.
SEE: Contributing

We suggest the following testing to collect metrics of your application running in your environment.

  1. Import the McCache library into your project.
  2. Use it in your data access layer by populating and updating the cache but don't use the cached values.
  3. Configure to enable the debug logging by providing a path for your log file.
  4. Run your application for an extended period and exit. A metric summary will be logged out.
  5. Review the metrics to quantify the fit to your application and environment. SEE: Testing


Removing an external dependency in your architecture reduces it's complexity and not to mention some cost saving.
SEE: Cloud Savings


The following are environment variables you can tune to fit your production environment needs.

Name Default Comment
MCCACHE_CACHE_TTL 3600 sec Maximum number of seconds a cached entry can live before eviction. Update operations shall reset the timer.
MCCACHE_CACHE_SIZE 512 entries The maximum entries per cache.
MCCACHE_CACHE_MODE 1 The degree of keeping the cache coherent in the cluster.
0: Only members that has the same key in their cache shall be updated.
1: All member cache shall be kept fully coherent and synchronized.
MCCACHE_SYNC_PULSE 300 sec The interval to send out a synchronization pulse operation to the other members in the cluster.
MCCACHE_PACKET_MTU 1472 bytes The size of the smallest transfer unit of the network packet between all the network interfaces.
MCCACHE_MULTICAST_IP [ :4000 ] The multicast IP address and the optional port number for your group to multicast within.
MCCACHE_MULTICAST_HOPS 1 hop The maxinum network hop. 1 is just within the local subnet. [1-9]
MCCACHE_DAEMON_SLEEP 0.8 sec The snooze duration for the daemon housekeeper before waking up to check the state of the cache.
MCCACHE_CALLBACK_WIN 3 sec The window, in seconds, where the last lookup and the current change falls in to trigger a callback to a function provided by you.
MCCACHE_DEBUG_LOGFILE ./log/debug.log The local filename where output log messages are appended to.
MCCACHE_LOG_FORMAT The custom logging format for your project.
The following are parameters you can tune to fit your stress testing needs.
TEST_RANDOM_SEED 4th octet of the IP address The random seed for each different node in the test cluster.
TEST_RUN_DURATION 5 min The duration in minutes of the testing run.
The larger the number, the longer the test run/duration. Tune this number up to add stress to the test.
TEST_MAX_ENTRIES 200 key/values The maximum of randomly generated keys.
The smaller the number, the higher the chance of cache collision. Tune this number down to add stress to the test.
TEST_TEST_APERTURE 0.01 sec The time scale to keep the randomly generated value to snooze within. If you supply `0.01`, which is `10`ms, the snooze value will be randomly generated within the range between 0.01s and 0.1s or between 10ms and 100ms.
TEST_MONKEY_TANTRUM 0 The percentage of drop packets.
The larger the number, the more unsend packets. Tune this number up to add stress to the test.


cache_ttl = 900
packet_mtu = 1472

Environment variables

export MCCACHE_TTL=900
export MCCACHE_MTU=1472

Architecture Diagram

Centralized implementation

Centralized Architecture

McCache implementation

McCache Architecture


McCache overwrite both the __setitem__() and __delitem__() dunder methods of OrderedDict to shim in the communication sub-layer to sync-up the other members in the cluster. All changes to the cache dictionary are captured and queued up to be multicast out. The cache is all nodes will eventually be consistent under normal condition.

Three DAEMON threads are started when this package is initialized. They are:

  1. Multicaster.  Whose job is to dequeue change operation messages and multicast them out into the cluster.
  2. Listener.  Whose job is to listen for change operation messages multicast by other members in the cluster.
  3. Housekeeper.  Whose job is manage the acknowledgement of multicast messages.

UPD is unreliable. We have to implement a guaranteed message transfer protocol over it in McCache. We did consider TCP but will have to implement management of peer-to-peer connection manager. Multi-casting is implemented on top of UDP and we selected it. Furthermore, the nature of McCache is to broadcast out changes and this align well with multicasting. McCache prioritize operation that mutates the cache and only acknowledged these operations. In the future as our knowledge expand, we can return to re-evaluate this decision.

A message may be larger than the UDP payload size. Regardless, we always chunk up the message into fragments plus a header that fully fit into the UPD payload. Each UDP payload is made up of a fixed length header follow by a variable length message fragment. The message is further broken up into the key and fragment section as depicted below:

Given the size of each field in the header, we have a limitation of a maximum 255 fragments per message. The maximum size of your message shall be 255 multiple by the packet_mtu size set in the configuration.

The multicasting member will keep track of all the send fragments to all the member in the cluster. Each member will re-assemble fragments back into a message. Dropped fragment will be requested for a re-transmission. Once each member have acknowledge receipt of all fragments, the message for that member is considered complete and be deleted from pending of acknowledgement. Each member is always listening to traffic and maintaining its own members list.

Collision happens when two or more nodes make a change to a same key at the same time. The timestamp that is attached to the update is not granular enough to serialize the operation. In this case, a warning is log and multi-cast out the eviction of this key to prevent the cache from becoming in-coherent.

There are no remote locks. Synchronization is implemented using a monotonic timestamp that is tagged to every cache entry. This helps serialized the update operation on every node in the cluster. An arrived change operation has a timestamp which will be compared to the timestamp of the local cache entry. Only remote operation with the timestamp that is more recent shall be applied to local cache.



import mcache as mc

def change(ctx: dict):
    """Callback method to be informed of changes to your local cache from a remote update.
    print('Cache got change 1 second ago.  Context "ctx" have more details.')

c = mc.get_cache( callback=change )
c['k'] = False
time.sleep( 0.9 )
c['k'] = True   # The change() method will be invoked.

e = c.metadata['k']['lkp']
time.sleep( 10 )
if 'k' in c.metadata:
    a = c.metadata['k']['tsm']
    if  a > e:  # Actual is greater than expected.
        print('Cache got change since you previously read it.')


Background Story

This project started as a forum for a diverse bunch of experience colleagues to learn Python. Very soon we decided that we need a more challenging and real project to implement. We wanted to learn network and threading programming. We search for sample code and ended up with some mutli-casting chat server example as our starting point. We also talked about all the external services used in some application architecture and wonder if they could be removed to reduce complexity and cost.

Finally, we decided on implementing a distributed cache that do not introduce any new ways but keep the same Python dictionary usage experience.

First we kept it simple to fit our understanding and to deliver working code. We limit the size of the cached object small. Each member maintain their owe cache and do not share it. Any updates to each local cache will be broadcast out an eviction so that the next lookup shall be reprocessed thus be the freshest. If there is no changes to the underneath platform, they should have the same processed result.

Very soon, we realized that it is a fun academic learning but not functional enough to use it in our own project. McCache functional requirements are:

Other non-functional technical requirements are:

Building a simple distributed system is more challenging than we originally thought. You may question some design decision but we arrive here from a collection of wrong and right turns on a long learning journey but we agreed to delivering a good enough working software is the most important compromise. In the future if we still feel strongly for a re-factoring or a re-design, this option is always available to us. We are still on this journey of learning and hopefully contribute something of value back into the community. (circa Oct-2023)


Releases are recorded here.


McCache is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.


We welcome your contribution. Please read contributing to learn how to contribute to this project.

Issues and feature request can be posted here. Help us port this library to other languages. The repos are setup under the GitHub McCache organization. You can reach our administrator at


For any inquiries, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue in the GitHub repository. See the McCache contributor guide for guidelines on filing good bugs.

Rewrite or remove everthing below ...


pip install mccache

How to build?

hatch -e .

How to upload?

python -m twine upload dist/*

Package in Test PypI

Package in PyPI

Coming soon