McNopper / GLUS

GLUS for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and OpenVG
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GLUS - Cross platform and cross graphic library utilities

The cross platform and cross Graphic Library UtilitieS (GLUS) is an open-source C library, which provides a hardware (HW) and operating system (OS) abstraction plus many functions usually needed for graphics programming using OpenGL, OpenGL ES or OpenVG.


Visit OpenGL repository on GitHub for the GLUS library plus many OpenGL 3 and 4 examples source code.
Visit OpenGL ES repository on GitHub for the GLUS library plus OpenGL ES 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1 examples source code.
Visit OpenVG repository on GitHub for the GLUS library plus OpenVG 1.1 examples source code.



GLUS is written in ANSI C and uses GLFW and GLEW for desktop OpenGL. For OpenGL ES and OpenVG on embedded systems or desktop simulations, EGL and platform dependent code and libraries are used.


The following source code shows a minimal OpenGL 3.2 program using GLUS:

 * Include GLUS. Needed OpenGL, OpenGL ES or OpenVG headers will be included depending on the build profile.  
#include "GL/glus.h"  

 * Function for initialization.  
 * @return GLUS_TRUE when initalization succeeded, otherwise GLUS_FALSE and the application will exit.  
GLUSboolean init(GLUSvoid)  
    // The background will be just cleared with blue color.  
    glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);  

    return GLUS_TRUE;  

 * Function is called before first update and every time when the window is resized.  
 * @param width  The width of the window.  
 * @param height The height of the window.  
GLUSvoid reshape(GLUSint width, GLUSint height)  
    // Set the viewport depending on the width and height of the window.  
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height);  

 * Function to update and render content. Swapping of the buffers is automatically done.  
 * @param time The passed / delta time from last frame.  
 * @return GLUS_TRUE for continuing, GLUS_FALSE to exit the application.  
GLUSboolean update(GLUSfloat time)  
    // Now, the background is painted blue.  

    return GLUS_TRUE;  

 * Function to clean up things.  
GLUSvoid terminate(GLUSvoid)  
    // No resources have to be freed in this case.  

 * Main entry point.  
int main(int argc, char* argv[])  
    // Parameters for the used window surface. See EGL man pages for more info.  
    EGLint eglConfigAttributes[] = {  
        EGL_RED_SIZE, 8,  
        EGL_GREEN_SIZE, 8,  
        EGL_BLUE_SIZE, 8,  
        EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, 0,  
        EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, 0,  

    // Parameters for the used context. See EGL man pages for more info.  
    EGLint eglContextAttributes[] = {  





    // Create the used window. See GLUS man pages for different parameters.  
    if (!glusWindowCreate("GLUS Example Window", 640, 480, GLUS_FALSE, GLUS_FALSE, eglConfigAttributes, eglContextAttributes))  
        return -1;  

    // Enter the update render loop. See below state machine for more information.  

    return 0;  

The live time of an application using GLUS is showed in the following state machine:
GLUS state machine

The different parameters on how to initialize and use GLUS can be found in the different examples:

Visit the GLUS man pages for the documentation of each available function.


The source code is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. If another licence is needed, please contact the author.