McTwist / BigInteger.cs

Port of BigInteger.js to TorqueScript
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A port from BigInteger.js to TorqueScript.


This library is not fullly optimal or finished. There is a lot of things that can be done to improve its performance significantly on some aspects


There is currently two ways to use this library. The first one directly by sending in strings of integers and it will return strings.

bigint_add("343737", "125246");
bigint_subtract("343737", "125246");
bigint_multiply("343737", "125246");
bigint_divmod("343737", "125246");

The other way is through the BigInt namespace. This keeps track on the internals and will not touch string manipulation unless through initialization or explicitly telling so. It also keeps the internal state intact after each calculation.

%a = BigInt("343737");
%b = BigInt("125246");


The performance can be read in perf.txt.


Author: McTwist (9845) Many thanks to BigInteger.js creator