This repository hosts the analysis code for Deep Generative Models for Galaxy Image Simulations, Lanusse, Mandelbaum, Ravanbakhsh, Li, Freeman, and Poczos (2020)
You can try out the generative model proposed in the paper with this live notebook from the GalSim-Hub repository:
Content of this repository:
The data used to make the plots of the paper is available here:
The first step in order to execute the notebooks is to download the data resulting from the main analysis script (see below for more details). You can do so using the following command:
$ wget -O results.tgz
$ tar -xvzf results.tgz
This will download and extract the postage stamps of COSMOS images and of mock galaxy images used in the paper. The archive also contains catalogs of morphological statistics computed on each stamps.
With the data downloaded, the dependencies needed to run the notebooks are:
pip install --user tensorflow-hub
pip install --user galsim-hub
pip install --user daft
Then you should be able to run all the notebooks.