MeatWheeze / NeepMeat

A Minecraft technology mod for the Fabric mod loader
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
13 stars 5 forks source link

NEEPMeat development is moving to Codeberg. This repo will no longer be updated.

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Modrinth Downloads Discord

NeepMeat is a Minecraft mod that adds various forms of darkly aesthetic automation.



Potential Future Features


For more details see the Modrinth page:

Github shows many contributors who have not contributed to this obscure project. This is because I started with the Fabric ExampleMod and started committing to the repository without squashing the commits. I'm unsure how much of an issue this is, but it feels as though I'm claiming falsely that these people (some of them well-known in the Fabric ecosystem) have contributed to my mod.

For anyone who wants to look at my ~spaghetti~ codebase: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate! If you're getting into Fabric modding and want examples, please regard everything I've done with extreme suspicion.