MecatronicaUncu / Red-Social-Asociacion

A small open source social network for any small community
GNU General Public License v2.0
3 stars 1 forks source link


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To implement a small open source social network for any small community.

Install and Run in Linux

Using Docker (preferred)

This is the simplest way to run the project. Only Docker is needed as a dependency.

Pull and run a complete image from Docker Hub.

docker pull mecatronicauncu/red-social-asociacion-dev
docker run -p 3000:3000 -t -i mecatronicauncu/red-social-asociacion-dev

You can access to the website using your preferred browser


Alternatively, build your own Docker image using the Dockerfile provided in this repository.

curl > Dockerfile
docker build -t red-social-asociacion-dev .
docker run -p 3000:3000 -t -i red-social-asociacion-dev

Native install

This method is a little bit more complicated and requires the following dependencies.

If you don't have nodejs installed, use Node Version Manager (nvm). In the same way, install Ruby using Ruby Version Manager (rvm). Please be sure to source the appropriate files in your .bashrc or .zshrc.

Installing the server

Clone the repository and execute the install script.

git clone
cd Red-Social-Asociacion

Afterwards, configure the server.


Note: config script accepts the following parameters:

  1. password
  2. HOST_TYPE. One of these:
    1. LAN: If you are going to use the local network.
    2. NET: If the service will be exposed to the internet, in SITE.
  3. SITE: The website where the sevice will be running. Only required if NET host is selected.

Running the server

  1. Start the database server neo4j

  2. Run the server

    grunt build
    grunt express

The Social Network will be available at port 3000: HOST:3000

Install and Run in Windows/OS X

The installation using Docker should work out of the box. Please refer to Install and Run in Linux.


Using Docker

Note: It is a good idea to have a quick look to the Docker User Guide to understand how Docker works.

Run a shell in a container using the following command

docker run -p 3000:3000 -t -i mecatronicauncu/red-social-asociacion-dev /bin/bash

Then, run the server using the commands from the section Running the server. grunt watch may be used instead of grunt express to trigger automatic builds when files are modified.

Multiple shells may be executed in the same container.

docker exec -i -t CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash

Docker dev images have sudo access enabled. Hence, you are able to install your favorite software for development.

If you want to interact with Github (push/fetch/pull), change the repository remote address (to use SSH instead of HTTP), and set up your SSH keys.

Copy SSH keys from Host to Container

Copy your SSH keys from the Docker Host to a running container with the following command

docker cp /path/to/.ssh CONTAINER_ID:/red-social-asoc/.ssh

Remember to fix .ssh folder permissions inside the running container

(inside container)$ sudo chown -R swuser:swuser ~/.ssh/

Generate new SSH keys

The GitHub Tutorial for SSH keys is a good resource for SSH keys.


We follow the approach of ngbp.

Most important:

|-- server

    |-- server.js           Server (expressjs) configuration

    |-- routes

        |-- moduleName.js   High level API calls

        |-- _moduleName.js  Database access functions for module

        |-- upload          Uploaded files (such as profile images) *

    |-- bin                 Binary files (neo4j).
                            Available after running ```./```.

|-- src                     Front-end stuff

    |-- app                 State templates, sass and javascript (views)

        |-- app.js          Angular app main module

    |-- assets              Static content. Fonts, Styles, etc

    |-- common              Directives

    |-- sass                Sass main file and co.

Test Datasets

You may register fictitious users in the database, for test purposes.

For instance, script/Datasets/userBase/userBase will register 50 users in your database and add some relationships. After running it, you can check the user list with their login info inside people_email_pass.csv.

To clean your database, execute the following query in the Neo4J browser: MATCH (u)-[r]-() DELETE r,u.

Note: The list of users IDs (saved in usersIDs.csv) is not deterministic. Running the script twice will result in relationships not intended to be created. This will not have adverse effects, but it must be taken into consideration.

Note: userBase accepts one parameter: no-wait. This will assume your Neo4J server is running and continue the process without asking.


Do not hesitate to submit your issue or pull request!